Chapter 57 - Rehearsal

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He drove me to the wedding rehearsal, keeping our hands tangled on my thigh the entire time. After I woke up yesterday, he took me to dinner while I could still walk, and then when the soreness hit, Alex took me to his mansion, where we binge-watched Avenger movies until we fell asleep. True to his word, he cooked me pancakes and let me draw on his chest.

I'm so in love with Alex. There was no doubt in my mind about it. I've always had an issue with my feelings, and anything serious, but Alex... he fixed me.

Zenna had told me that the rehearsal wasn't really necessary, but she wanted everyone there, just to know that they were ready for tomorrow. She was incredibly nervous about marrying Aron, and I couldn't blame her. The guy gave me the chills, and I've known him for almost four years.

When we got there, Alex didn't let me out of the car until he stole a very long kiss that almost turned into a make-out session. He then wouldn't let me out until he opened the door and practically carried me out of the car.

I'm not going to lie, my legs can barely hold my weight up, but the soreness was worth every moment. I groaned as my sore legs hit the ground, causing Alex to chuckle. I glared at him, flipping him off.

The next two hours were torture. I was standing the whole time, checking the guest book, then arranging the security, then counting silverware, and dealing with Zenna's emotional crisis. She was nervous, then scared, then melancholy, then confident, then unsure. The poor girl was having more mood swings in two hours than I get in a day.

I sighed, squeezing her hand and glancing around the room for Aron. He was really fucking good at calming her down. The room itself was beautiful, having no ceiling and barely any walls. Flowers and colors were everywhere, Zenna's perfectionist personality clear in every little touch. I also saw some of Aron in the dark accents on the tables, and of course, the black wedding dress I had bullied Zenna into wearing. She wanted to wear a white one, but I think it's fair that Aron gets to pick the dress color since Zenna did everything else.

The sky had been dark all day, but Alex and I had made sure to cover all the tables with plastic coats, and anything that wouldn't fit under the tables was moved into the bathrooms. We had rented out the whole "building" for the wedding, including the bathrooms that Zenna kept disappearing into.

"Are you pregnant?" I suddenly faced her, putting two and two together. The bad mood swings, the bathroom trips, the stomach ache she's been denying...

"Why would you think that?" She snapped back, avoiding eye contact.

Oh. My. God.

"You are!" I would have jumped up and down with joy if I wasn't so sore. Zenna looked around, frantically hushing me. She pulled me into the bathrooms, slamming the door shut. I plopped down on the fancy bench that rested against the wall, staring at my best friend and waiting for an explanation. She sat down next to me, putting her head in her hands. Her beautiful afro was tangled in the back, and I sighed, gently separating the curls.

"I have no idea what to do!" Her hands were shaking as she dropped them between her legs, and I frowned. Grabbing them, I held them still and wordlessly told her to follow my breathing. When the room was filled with our steady breaths, I turned towards her, crossing my legs.

"How long have you known, and have you told Aron?" I kept my voice as gentle as I could, not wanting to send her into a panic. I was so excited for her baby and to see her married, but I kept it contained. She was my best friend, and just she had been there for me when I was being tortured, I was going to do the same.

"I took the test a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to tell him, but he's been so busy with meetings and arranging the security for our wedding. He's still working, even Alexander has told him to stop, but he won't." I nodded in understanding, rubbing her hands with my thumbs to offer her comfort.

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