Chapter 40 - Reuniting and Hospitals

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At the push of a button on my receiver, my men started. I ran through the main doors of the base, my heart racing at the same tempo as the footsteps around me. The metal detectors went off at the same time as the first gunshots. The smoke deployed into the air, the haze distracting Ivor's guards and I ran through the base. My men started fighting, and the sounds of screams and gunshots filled the base. A guard in black ran at me, and without thinking I put a bullet through their head, finally feeling the anger I had held in for so long become useful.

Down the stairs all the way, then right. You'll see a door that is five doors from the stairs with a keypad on it and that's where she is. The code is 2548357. Zenna had told me everything I needed to know to find my girl the same day I located the base.

Aron and I separated as I found the stairs. We had come up with a plan, where if I was compromised, he would find Audrey and get her out. It was the same thing I had told Zenna. This whole war was only about getting Audrey out and safe because I have no doubt in my body that she is not hurt. How hurt, I don't know, but no matter how bad it is, if she is safe, that's the first step to healing. I sprinted down the stairs, shooting at the endless guards chasing after me and coming up the stairs.

I swore out loud, there were so many stairs. What the fuck are these people? Old stinky-ass grandparents who can't afford a damn elevator?!

I stopped running and looked down the middle of the stairwell as guards flooded around me, trying to grab me. I threw them off, turning around and shooting until my guns ran out. As soon as they clicked, there was a pile of bodies around me, but more guards were coming. I grinned at them, closing my eyes and falling backward. I grabbed one of my other guns, shooting at the guard's faces as I fell. Stairs rushed past, and I flipped over, seeing the ground approach. I closed my eyes, curling into myself and bracing for the impact. My shoulder burned as it hit the ground, and I quickly rolled to my feet, pointing my gun at the singular guard standing in front of me. She was one of the few lady girls I had seen so far, and she was the only guard who wasn't Aron or Audrey that had my full respect.

Zenna held a gun that pointed above my head. I ducked as she shot, rolling towards her as she shot at the guards running down the stairs. I got up, grabbed her by the back of her uniform, and dragged us into a hallway that was hidden from the stairs. I immediately let her go, feeling disgusted by touching anyone but Audrey.

"That was graceful." She deadpanned, brushing her thick black hair away from her eyes. I rolled my eyes. "Alexander?" She confirmed, making sure I was the right person.

"No, I'm Santa," I shot back, both of us reloading our guns. Zenna sighed, a small laugh mixing with it as she edged towards the beginning of the hallway, peering around the wall. She held up a chain with what I recognized as one of my rings on it. I took it, placing it around my neck. She glanced back at me, pointing at a white door at the end of the hall. I handed Zenna an intercom so that she knew what was going on between me and my men.

"Remember the code?"

"2548357." I moved to the other side of the hallway, checking the stairwell to make sure no one was coming.

"She is very-" She paused, choosing her words carefully. "-hurt. When I put her in there she couldn't stand up."

"Whose side will you choose?" I shot at the singular guard that ran down the stair before they even knew what was coming at them. I couldn't think about Audrey without my heart tearing out of my chest.

"Hers," Zenna said. I nodded. I already knew that she wouldn't want to stay with Ivor after what he did to her friend.

"Just go, and get my men out. The ones in the red suits are mine. Anyone else can be killed." I said, glancing at her one more time before we both went down the hallways in different directions. Zenna nodded chewing her lip as if she had something to say.

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