Chapter 14 - Another Mission

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The sun spilled into the room, and I groaned, forcing my eyelids open. I pulled the blanket over my head, blinking my eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness. I got off the couch, pulling Alex's shirt down over my ass as the cold air caused goosebumps to disturb my skin. I went back up to my room, every single step making my legs burn.
When I finally made it to the room, Light spilled across the bed, and my eye’s met Alex’s. He was awake, and he stepped out of the bed, walking toward me. I smiled a bit. In the sunlight, he looked way too sexy.

“Where’d you go?” His voice was quiet and demanding, cold yet gentle. I couldn’t figure him out.

“Kitchen.” I lied, walking past him and over to the bed, crawled on top of the covers. I stared up at the ceiling, every one of my muscles fatigued. I pulled one of my legs up so that it was bent, and sighed a bit. I closed my eyes, planning on just resting them for a bit, as they were heavy. I didn’t pay Alex any mind for a while, just letting my tired eyes bask in the darkness.

I knew he knew I was lying to him, and when I opened my eyes I wouldn’t be surprised if a punishment awaited me.

I’ve just never felt this tired before. I regret telling Alex about my past because it’s made my mind so tired- constantly running in circles around what-ifs. I overthought every little thing, and while my body had been asleep downstairs on the couch, my mind worked harder than ever, showing me all the ways this could go wrong. I wrapped my arms around myself, rolling to my side and taking in deep breaths, trying to control my thoughts.

When I woke up, I was under the covers of the bed, and Alex was propped up on one elbow, looking down at me. I gasped in surprise, nearly throwing myself back from him. He smirked as I glared at him.

"You scared me," I said, sitting up. I groaned, immediately falling back onto the bed.

"You okay?" He asked, his hand circling my hip with teasing, light touches.

"Sore." I shrugged. He nodded, sliding out of the bed quickly, the warmth his touch brought me for a brief second left. I closed my eyes. I groaned. I was starving. Alex sat down on the bed, and grabbed my ankles, pulling me towards him. I gasped, my body stiffening and trying to get him off. I sat up quickly, my arms grabbing at the edges of the shirt he put on and using that grip to pull myself into his lap. My face landed in his neck, and I took those deep calming breaths that I always forced myself to, dispising how- at every little touch- memories came back.

I was so vulnerable right now, and I didn’t like it. I talked about it one time, last night, and now my mind thinks it has the right to be weak about it. I sighed, shaking my head in disappointment in myself.

“Hey.” Alexander’s hands ran up and down my back, his soft voice and touch making my body come down from its stiffness faster than my mind ever could make it. I shook my head again, hoping to get the message across that I didn’t feel like talking. He nodded, rubbing circles on my skin and relaxing my tense muscles. I expected him to stop when he was done with his trip down and up my back, but instead, he gently grabbed my throat, not hard enough to cause me to get excited, but hard enough to push my back onto the bed again. He continued to massage my core, moving to my breast and then my shoulders and after that my arms and thighs. He spent time on the spots that were sorer from last night, despite us agreeing that it wasn’t very rough. We barely talked as my body slowly allowed him to take care of it, just this once.

Just this once.

He had stopped the massage a few minutes ago but his hands still ran over my skin, and I couldn’t get enough of the feeling.

"Alex?" He looked up at me, his eyes were dark. "I need clothes," I said, plucking at the shirt that I wore, stolen from him. Alex smirked.

"What if I don't want you in clothes?" He murmured, moving closer to me. I smiled.
"Well then, I'll just have to make do with being naked," I said, slowly taking off the shirt. Alex's eyes widened. I balled the shirt up and threw it at his chest. He caught it. I climbed out of the bed, walking towards the door.

Loving a Dangerous Life (editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora