Chapter 8- Jealousy, Jealousy

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Alex's POV

I walked towards the idiots that hand their hands on Audrey. She was laughing and smiling at something they were saying, and they all were finding reasons to touch her. I was a little dazed at how beautiful her laugh and smile were, but I hated that it wasn't directed at me.

"Let her go," I said. The men turned to me, their terrified faces almost making me laugh. I had come back to the party to find Audrey, but now, I wanted to punish her. I wanted to punish her for being such a fucking tease. I wanted to punish her for making me want her. I wanted to punish her for making me want to punish her. Audrey looked back at me, her brown eyes light and playful as they looked over me.

"But we're having fun," She whined, her eyes skipping over my face. I grabbed her arm, pulling her away from the men and into the hallway. I didn't mean to slam the door behind us. "Hey! What the fuck?" She yelled at me. My arms landed on either side of her head and I pressed her up onto the wall.

"I thought I said to not fucking push it Audrey," I said. She glared up at me, her brown eyes slightly wider than normal.

"Why not, huh?" She demanded, her tongue shooting out and licking her lips. Images flooded through my mind of what I could do to her at the suggestive movement.

"Audrey," I said the name, the simple name that has been driving me crazy for weeks now.

"You seem to say my name a lot, shall I make you scream it?" She smirked. "Oh, but you wouldn't want that, would you?" Her voice was playful, but her eyes were dark. Vivid images of her fucking me came to my mind, but I would never allow that. We were both dominant in the bedroom, and that's what is going to make this so fun.

"You sound desperate to get me in bed, princess," I said. "And besides, it wouldn't be me screaming, it'd be you. I'd make you scream my name so many times that all you can think of is me." Her breathing picked up, and her legs tensed against mine, pressing together to hide how turned on she was. I moved closer to her, feeling as turned on as she looked.

"I can make you scream in pure pleasure, or I can make you cry from frustration. I will make you beg for a release, and then I will fuck you as you've never been fucked. I will make your legs shake so hard that you can't get up and walk the next day. I will make your voice go hoarse from moaning and screaming. I will make you so exhausted that you sleep undisturbed until I wake you up and fuck you again." Her eyes were now darker than I had ever seen them, and I was painfully hard from imagining all the things I had said.

"But you wouldn't want that, would you?" I pulled back.

"Fucking hell." She breathlessly gasped. I tried my best not to smirk at the mess I had made her with just my words.

"Go wait in the car," I said, walking away. "I have to deal with something."

"Fuck you." She huffed and pushed past me, hitting my shoulder roughly. I let her, knowing that I was going to do something to her when we got home. I don't know if I was going to finally give her what we both want, or if I was going to punish her, but I knew that tonight, something would happen. I carefully watched Audrey until she was out of the party, and then I walked up to the man that had called her a whore. Aron stood behind me.

"Wait, wait, you called her a whore too." I accused.

"Just a test. She's got fire. I would keep her." Aron winked at me. I enterally rolled my eyes at his extra theatrics. Aron's been my best friend for years, and I would never get mad at him, but if he had actually meant it when he called Audrey that fucking word, shit would go down.

"You want to help with this one?" I asked. He nodded. "I thought I told you to leave," I said, walking up behind the man. I think his name is Jackson? Jason? I'm not sure. Let's call him Jackass. He turned around, all the color draining from his face as he saw that I was holding a gun to his head.

"If you ever call her a whore one more time, I will shoot your dick off." I threatened. He paled, even more, nodding. I smiled, turning back around.

"That's a lot that he is doing for a fucking whore." Jackass muttered. I stiffened, the smile not even moving from my face as I turned back around to face him. Anger was pulsing through my veins, and my vision was red.

"She's not a fucking whore." I growled. Jackass smirked.

"Sure." He shrugged. I riddled him with bullets. Screamed filled the room, and men drew their guns.

Now this, this is a party.

"Let's go!" I shouted at Aron. We sprinted out to the cars, and he shot off in his. I saw the beautiful girl sitting on top of my car, and I grabbed her heels, throwing them in the car. I grabbed her waist, smiling as she gasped. I didn't have time to explain as I heard gunshots behind me. I shoved her into the car, climbing in behind her and yelling at the driver, what's his name? to go. Audrey was sitting next to me, her leg pressed against mine.

"What the fuck was that?" Her voice demanded.

"Nothing you need to worry about." I winked, knowing that she was already going crazy.

But not as crazy as I was. All I wanted was to feel her body, hear her sweet moans...

Stop it, Alex.

"Tell me," Audrey demanded. I shook my head, not tearing my gaze from her.

"Make me," I said. She raised her eyebrow at me

"Is that a challenge?" Her voice became soft and low, making my want for her sore to new heights. I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Maybe." I hummed. She smirked, moving closer to me. One of her legs was swung over my waist, and she pulled herself into my lap.

"You know you want to tell me." She murmured, her breath moving across my face. It took all my self-control to not put my hands on her and tear off that sexy dress. I hummed again, knowing that I looked like she wasn't affecting me at all.

"Come on, Alex." She whispered, now cupping my face. I had a feeling that we were talking about something completely different now. My hands came up and squeezed her hips as her lips trailed up my jaw and to my lips. She stopped as she was just above my lips, continuing her teasing. Her brown eyes were dark, and I was painfully hard.

"What are you doing?" I ground out. She smiled against my skin. "How much champagne did you have?"

"God, you drive me crazy." She whispered. I smiled.

"Good," I stated. She moved her hand up my chest, cupping my face. We were so close that every time she took a breath, my hair moved.

So fucking close to kissing...

Just fucking kiss me already, damn it.

She moved her mouth close to mine, both of us lost in the moment. She kissed the side of m mouth, and I squeezed her hips harder.

"Fuck, stop teasing me." I groaned. A smirk fell across her face as the car came to a stop.

"Now, why would I do that?" She teased again, climbing off of me. She got out of the car, but I pulled her back in

"Stay here, I'll come back and get you in a minute, I have to check the house," I said. She nodded. I climbed out of the car, reaching for my extra gun. I turned back to her once I was out.

"And if you even think about teasing me when I come back to get you, Princess, trust me, you will regret it," I said. Excitement and lust lit up her eyes.

My dirty girl.

My girl who was driving me fucking crazy.

Fucking hell, she's mine. 

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