Chapter 50 - Training

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I woke up in a warm, contented haze, my legs tangled around Alexander's as he spooned me. I had slept better than I could ever remember, and I didn't know if it was from last night's activities or from how safe Alexander made me feel. Either way, I liked it. Alexander was still asleep, the even rise and fall of his warm chest pressed against my back. His arm was still under my shirt, wrapped around the rough bandages.

My body was aching in the best way possible. My legs and neck had fifteen total points on them that were pleasantly sore from the wax, and I knew that my neck would be covered with hickeys. My thighs seemed to be spinning, and my mind couldn't comprehend everything that had happened. It was such an intense scene for me, and it all happened so fast. I had never before received so much pleasure, pain, and euphoria in one night. I wanted more.

I carefully removed Alexander's arm from around my waist. I was planning on checking the cut, reapplying bandages, and cooking breakfast, but Alexander clearly is not a deep sleeper.

"Get your pretty ass back here before I redden it." Fuckkk. His voice was groggy and deep in the morning, laced with fatigue. I sheepishly grinned at him, discreetly pressing my sore legs together. Alexander's eyes met mine. His were light blue, focused, confident, and content. His hair was messy, the muscles of his chest visible. I swallowed, yelping out in pain as he grabbed my waist pulling me back to him. I groaned, running my hands up and down my legs. Alexander pulled me into his lap, whispering words of praise as he molded my body to his. I sat on top of the blankets, leaning against his chest. His hands stroked up and down my back and I relaxed into his touches, getting used to the soreness.

"How are you feeling, darling?" He kissed my forehead, his touches and words wrapping me in a warm embrace. I smiled, dazed.

"A little overwhelmed, and very dirty." I giggled, playing with my fingers. Alexander nodded in understanding, grabbing my arms and wrapping them around his neck. I held onto him as Alexander brushed a hair behind my ear, carefully standing up with me in his arms. He carried me into the bathroom, setting me on the counter as he prepared a bath. My mouth watered as I saw his naked figure again, including his butt. I stifled a giggle.

When the water was pouring from the spout at the perfect temperature, Alexander turned back to me, smirking as if he knew that I was just checking out his ass. He took his place in between my legs, holding my jaw and kissing me. I grinned, the light kiss lightening my already good mood. Alexander handed me a toothbrush, picking me up off the counter and turning me around so that I could brush my teeth.

I caught sight of myself in the mirror, and immediately wished he hadn't. My cheeks were flushed, bringing out the scar on my right cheek even more than normal. My hair was a mess, my eyes bright. I looked like a mummy. The shirt I still wore fell off one of my shoulders, revealing more scars. The necklace with the ring on it was twisted, I quickly re-adjusted the shirt, feeling my giddiness fade away as I avoided my reflection. The scar on my face was just so noticeable, so prominent, so ugly. I hated it.

"Audelia." Alexander's hands pulled on the shirt. "Can I check the cut?" He met my eyes in the mirror, and I quickly looked away, sighing. I pulled the shirt off, pressing it to my chest to try and conceal most of my breasts. Alexander turned me around, crouching down and unwrapping the bandages from my torso. My skin tingled as cold air caused goosebumps to form on my skin. I closed my eyes, feeling a headache build in the back of my skull. I couldn't understand why my mood had changed so suddenly.

"How does it feel?" He asked, kissing my stomach. I looked down at Alexander, on his knees in front of me. If I was feeling better about myself, the symbolism behind his action would send my ego through the roof.

"I don't even feel it." I shrugged, debating if I should put the shirt back on or not.

"Do you want a new shirt?" Alexander stood up again, gripping my hips. I shook my head, biting my lip. It's not like he hasn't already seen my chest. There are just so many scars... "What will help you, my love?" He kissed my forehead, tucking my hair behind my ears and getting me out of my head without trying. His eyes searched mine. "If you need it, I will kiss every inch of your body until you see just how perfect you are." He gestured to the shirt. "If a shirt is what you need to feel comfortable, I will buy you as many shirts as you need." His thumb wiped away a tear I didn't know had fallen.

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