Chapter 16 - Another Try At Shopping

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I grabbed my purse, shoving my gun in it. I pulled on Alex's sweatpants and tied them, hoping they would conceal the bulges of my uniform. Alex had handed me them and told me to put them on. I tucked the shirt into the sweatpants and looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed, pulling the baseball cap on over my hair. 

"You ready?" Alex asked, leaning against the door. He had dressed in a matching style, and he looked really sexy in the baseball cap. I turned back to the mirror. 

"When I die, take my ashes and put them in an hourglass so I can finally have to body of my dreams, okay?" I said, turning around and facing Alex. He looked confused and I laughed at him. 

"What?" He asked. I laughed, covering my mouth with my hand. He smiled but still looked confused. I laughed again.

"Nothing." I giggled. "Oh, fuck you should have seen your face." Alex walked towards me, a smile lighting up his features. 

"You should see your face when I'm fucking you." He whispered. “And your body is perfect, scars and all.” I flushed, avoiding his gaze. 

"Let's go." I wrapped my hand around his arm and pulled him out of my room. He followed behind me. 

"Alexander Zane, stop looking at my ass," I said loudly enough to make him burst out laughing. I turned around, placing my hands on my hips. " Are you going to take me shopping or not? Because I can go by myself." I said, fighting back a laugh. Alex leaned against the wall, laughing harder. I pretended to be mad and huffed. I turned around, walking away. 

"Awe, baby don't be mad," Alex said, still laughing. I let out a giggle before pretending to be mad again. I walked faster, and Alex ran after me. I laughed and ran to the garage. I got the door open and I slid into a car, hiding from Alex. He ran into the garage and I sank low in the seat, holding in my laugh. I had no clue what car I had gotten into. I smiled when Alex walked past my window. He looked confused. I laughed and then clapped a hand over my mouth. He looked straight at me through the window and smiled. I climbed into the back seat and lay on the floor as he opened the door. I squealed as he looked down at me. 

"Hi, Princess." He said, laughing. He kissed my forehead and I sat up. 

"How did you find me?" I whined. He chuckled, his eyes bright. 

"You laughed." He said, tickling me. I squealed and batted his hands away. "You know for a badass Mafia assassin you're not really that scary," he said, climbing out of the car. I jumped on his back, wrapping my legs around him. He carried me to a car. I grinned.

"You haven't seen my bad side." I sighed. Alex nodded, getting on the other side of the car. He started the car and sped to the same mall as last time. He rubbed small circles on my hand as he pulled into the parking lot for the mall, each of my fingers trembling slightly. As soon as we were there, Alex got out of the car and opened my door for me. 

"You need to stay by me no matter what happens, I would prefer if you held my hand, but I will not force it on you," Alex said. 

"Yes, sir," He tucked some hair up into my hat, and I grabbed his hand, intertwining my fingers with his. He immediately pulled back, making e narrow my eyes at him. He stared at my hand, before grabbing my arm and moving his hand up to my shoulder. 

“What the hell?” I tried to pull away from him, but he pulled me closer.

“You’re so tense, relax a little.” He frowned at me, and I gapped at him.

“I’m not tense!” I stared at him as Alex rubbed gentle circles on my neck. He lifted my other hand, laying it down on my arm. The muscle immediately twitched, and my gaze moved between him and our hands on my arm.

“Okay, so I’m a little tense, it's not a big deal.” I huffed. He shook his head. 

“We aren't moving until you are relaxed. What do you normally use to cope?” He tucked my hair behind my ears, studying my face. “Why are you so tense in the first place?” 

“One question at a time, please.” I sighed. Alexander's hands gently cupped my face, his brown hair moving in the gentle wind and his blue eyes capturing mine.

“I need you to relax, alright?” He was so worried about something not worth worrying about. 

“I am relaxed!” I pushed him away from me before angrily grabbing his hand and walking to the first clothing store I saw.

“You’re so worried about pointless things,” I muttered, glancing at him.

“It’s not fucking pointless, Audrey, and I will find out why you are so tense, even after I fucked you so hard you’re still trembling.” Alexander's voice was dangerous, and I couldn’t help but walk with my thighs closer together. I didn’t say anything else as we made out way through the store.  

"Grab what you want. I'm paying." He said, pulling his phone out. I grinned. He wasn't going to pay. I had switched his credit card for mine. He had paid for my hospital bill, I'm not letting him pay for anything else. I grabbed some clothes. I tried on everything to make sure it fits. I took everything to the front desk, Alex following behind me. He placed a hand on my hip.

"Here's your card back," Alex said, pulling it out and handing it to me. I scowled.

"Let me pay," I said, grabbing his wallet. He started at me, holding my waist. My breath picked up and I felt myself getting wet for him. He grinned down at me like he knew what he was doing to me. 

"I am paying." He said, kissing my neck. He handed his card to the cashier and I groaned. 

"Okay fine but I am paying for food," I said. Alex plucked my card out of my grasp. "Hey!" I tried to wrestle it from him. He bit my ear. 

"I'm going to keep this for a while." He whispered in my ear. I tried to grab it, but he just pulled my body against him. 

"You're making me hard again." He whispered, grabbing the bags from the counter. I smiled. 

"Good. It's called karma. Maybe let me pay and then you won't get hard. It must be so uncomfy." I said, batting my eyelashes at him. He licked his lips, driving me crazy. We walked to the car, and he threw the bags in it. I bent over, reaching into the car for my purse since it has cash in it. I finally found it, but I didn't realize that Alex had moved behind me with lethally quiet steps. I stood up as fast as I could, but Alex pushed my back over. He kissed my neck, his hands gripping my hips. 

"You're driving me batshit crazy." He muttered in my ear, making my pulse slam. 

"Good." I stomped on his foot, and when he stood up in surprise I elbowed him in the gut and faced him. I stepped to the side. "I might not be scary, but I am dangerous." He walked towards me, but I walked away. There was a small cafe about ten feet from us, and I went in there, my mouth practically watering at the treats I saw. Alex stood right next to me, his body flush against mine.

I knew something was about to happen. I had pissed him off. He was bound to do something. My legs were squeezing together at the thought of another punishment.

I sat down at a booth, putting my legs up on the chair across from me. Alex sat next to me, his hand on my thigh. I could feel myself getting excited for him, but I glared at his hand as if it had offended me.

"You are going to be a good girl and eat as fast as you can," Alex whispered in my ear. I clenched my thighs together. I don't know why his dominative tone turned me on so much. 

"I am going to do whatever the fuck I want to," I said, looking at him. He smirked. 

"Darling, you wouldn’t want me to add to your punishment, would you?" Alex growled. I nervously swallowed, smirking at him. His hand squeezed my thigh, sending me the last warning. I turned my head away, praying he wouldn't do anything in public. 

Alexander dropped his fork.

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