Chapter 7- Jealousy, Jealousy

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"Trust me, your fucking perfect princess."

Alex was with me almost every hour of every day, and I didn't mind it, but something had changed. The tension in the air between us was always thick. It was like we were both waiting for something.

He said that today we were going to go to his annual Mafia party. He gave me a dress from his closet that I'm pretty sure he had kept from one of his girlfriends. It was a wine red-colored, silk, strapless, and it clung to my chest and hips, before flowing down around my legs, with a slit that exposed all of my thighs. It was by far one of the more appropriate things I had worn- but one of the most expensive. I ran my hands over the material, sighing in elation. Alex spoiled me with gifts like these dresses and a house, and food, and yet he still is refusing to tell me what mission I am here for.

I grabbed one of Alex's big shirts and brought it to my room for tonight after the party. He had given me a different room than the one I had been in at first. It was right across from his, and I was surprised my nightmares had not woken him up in the middle of the night.

We had become a lot closer, and we did almost everything together, yet somehow he was still so fucking infuriating.

Yet attractive...

The more I saw him, the harder I fell for him. We worked out together each day, and he showed me different ways to fight. He showed me the inner workings of his Mafia, introducing me to Aron, his bestie. The two shared a brother-like bond, both of them being pantie-droppers.

I sighed and turned on the curling iron. It took me the better part of an hour to curl all of my hair, and about fifteen minutes to get my makeup on. I looked in the mirror, slightly surprised to see who was staring back at me.

She looked strong, and she looked powerful- and confident. She looked like a queen. Her hair fell perfectly, and her dress outlined her hips and chest while still heaving a bit to the imagination. The red dress contrasted her tan skin and dark hair, making her eyes seem lighter than normal.

I sighed and turned away from the mirror. Grabbing my little cloth purse and putting a knife in it with the gun. I went into the closet and searched for shoes that fit my outfit. When I heard a noise, I quickly whipped around, almost falling on the hardwood floor of the closet. I reached for the clutch, but relaxed when I saw that it was just Alex. He was wearing a dark suit and he leaned against the wall, his hands in his slacks pockets. His eyes pierced into me, and his hair was slightly slicked back. Raw power and dominance radiated off of him.

He looked like a fucking god.

"Where the fuck are the shoes?" I asked, forcing myself to look away from the incredibly attractive man in front of me.

"To your right and behind you," Alex said, staring at me in turn.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer," I smirked. "What do you want anyway?" I asked, grabbing a pair of black six-inch heels. Alex walked towards me, and I turned around. Pretending to be absorbed with my shoes. He held out something towards me.

"What is this?" I asked, turning back around and looking up at Alex. As tall as I was, he was still taller. He smirked.

"It's an earpiece. I have one too. If you get in trouble at the party, tell me. I'll immediately get you out of there." He explained.

"What, I can't help myself?" I questioned, reaching for the small thing. He held onto it, instead, grabbing my jaw and tilting to so he could put it in my ear. His hand gently caressed my face to get the hair out of the way. Once he had it in my ear, he stepped back a little bit- still very close to me. His warmth seeped into me, giving me that feeling of life that I will never get tired of. His hand tilted my head to look at him, and I let him.

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