Chapter 29 - Questions

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"Let me get this right. She protected you from the bomb, so you brought her to Russia, but you are supposed to kill each other. That video came out, and now her boss is after her and us?" James summarized, I nodded, even though Audrey still didn’t know she was my mission. At this point, it’s fair to say she has forgotten our truce, and I didn’t mind that fact in the least. 

"Yeah," I said, looking at Audrey. James and I were in the kitchen, getting snacks for everyone. He was grilling me with questions as Audrey talked to her parents and Levi. She looked worried, and her hands kept moving through the air as she explained. Her new tattoo caught my eye, and I smiled. I hadn't noticed it earlier. It fits her. 

When I saw her standing in the doorway, wearing my sweatshirt, I felt so happy. I wanted to sweep her into my arms and never let go, but I couldn't. Her family was very confused about how we had happened, but I didn't care. I just wanted to hold her again. 

Levi seemed familiar in a way I couldn’t place. I already contacted Aron and asked him to look her name up, but he said he was having a hard time finding results.

At this point, Aron does more for my mafia than I do, but I only have about a year until my training is complete. It always ends with a shit ton of tattoos I have to get, something I didn’t mind either.

"So, what are you doing with my sister?" James asked. I rolled my eyes. 

"Is this going to turn into the protective older brother talk?" I asked, running a hand through my hair and opening the fridge. James stood next to me, crossing his arms. I rose my eyebrow as he tried to stare me down. I only let it slide because I knew Audrey would never forgive me if I hurt her family whom she has done so much for.

"Yes. I'm not going to let her get hurt again." He said. I smirked.

"Trust me, if that girl wants to do something, she will do it even if everyone tells her not to. Did I tell you that she ran away in the middle of the night?" I asked. James's eyes widen. "Yeah, she's crazy. When her boss threatened her, she ran to protect you guys." I said. James chuckled.

"Still stubborn. Not much has changed. She just-" He sighed. "I don't think any of us saw this coming. I mean, we all knew that when she grew up, she would be this badass, beautiful, heartbreaker, but I never thought that she would join the Mafia. It makes me wonder exactly what happened in California." He said. I slowly nodded, looking over at Audrey. She was petting Cama now, and as if she could sense my eyes on her, she looked up at me. She smiled, and I smiled back at her, winking. A pretty blush colored her face, and she looked down. I turned to face James.

"What do you think happened?" I asked, my voice low. 

"I don't know, she won't talk about it." He shrugged. I nodded, meeting his eyes.

His eyes widened, anger flickering in them right after realization.

"Are you saying they fucking- they raped her?" He said, anger and protectiveness making his voice shake. I nodded, my own fury filling me again at the thought. I knew she had taken care of the men who did the actual hurting, but I was trying to find out who sent them. There is always a high-up in the mafia that gives the orders, and eventually, I will be the highest.

I don't know the details, but I know that her body is covered in scars from those men, and then from the Mafia training," I said. James flexed his jaw, consciously or not. I saw many things in him, including power.

"Please tell me that those men were her first kill." He said, looking over at Audrey. I chuckled. 

"You know it, man," I said. I grabbed all the food from the counter and went back over to the couch. I tossed a soda and an M&M pack at Audrey. She caught it, and James passed the rest of the food out. I sat next to Audrey, and she immediately leaned against me. I smiled, putting my arm around her shoulders and kissing her forehead. Her dad watched my every movement, and I could sense his skepticism. 

It's funny that her family thinks they can stand up to me. I see where she gets her stubbornness from.

"Audrey, who is this?" Audrey's mom asked. I smiled at her, turning on my charm.

"I'm her lover," Levi clapped her hands to her mouth.

"What?" Audrey's mom squealed. "Oh Audrey, he's a handsome one." She gushed. Audrey laughed, the sound music to my ears. 

"Mom, you're married." She scolded. I chuckled, holding her closer as she played with the ring that hung around her neck. I felt pride flow through me at the thought of her wearing my rings.

She’s mine. 

"I'm married, not dead. Your grandfather used to whistle at nuns. Said he can look, but not touch." Audrey’s mouh fell open at her mom’s comment, tempting me to fill it with something else.

"Yeah, gosh mom, but I agree," Levi said, her eyes skipping over me. Audrey stiffened next to me.

"He's taken." She stiffly said. My hand tightened around her shoulders, her possessiveness turning me on. 

"You're not that scary, Audrey," Levi said. I snorted. Audrey is scary and dangerous. Her body was stiff next to mine, and I wrapped my hand around her waist to keep her from jumping on her sister, knowing she wouldn’t want that to happen.

God, something is really off with Levi.

"And you're not nearly as tough as you think you are. Try living my life for a day, you'll be pissing in your fancy pants." Andrey said. James and Audrey's dad laughed. Levi was about to say something, but their mom cut in.

"Girls, stop it." She said, glaring at Levi. "Levi, we all saw that video, we all know that she was holding back during it. Audrey, don't push your sister, you know what happens." She said. Audrey pressed her hands together in her lap. I grabbed one of them, tangling my fingers with hers and feeling her relax instantly 

"Whatever," Levi said. She glared at Audrey, and I glared back at her. When Levi looked at me, she winked. I rolled my eyes at her attempts to flirt with me. 

"So, Audrey, are you going to have to go back to Canada to meet your boss?" Her dad asked. 


"What?" I turned my head, looking at her. Audrey groaned, placing her head in her hands. 

"Damn it." She muttered under her breath. Her hair brown swung forward, covering her face. "I'll tell you in a minute Alex, and dad I have a week left." She said. She got up from the couch. "I am going to shower." She said. Everyone nodded, but I followed her. 

"Don't follow her Alex!" Levi yelled at me. I sighed, pulling my phone out and checking it to see if Aron had information on the annoying bitch. Nothing. 

"Can I help you?" I asked, turning to face her. I made sure that my annoyance didn't color my voice as Audrey drew further and further away from me.

"No, Alex go to Audrey, Levi, you have a boyfriend for god's sake," James said. I turned away before anyone could stop me, and I ran after Audrey. 

She has some serious explaining to do.

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