Chapter 14 - Becoming a Magent

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I had been sitting outside of the man’s house for a couple of minutes now as Alex filled me in on where he was through the earpiece. His voice in my ear was strangely erotic, making my thighs squeeze the motorcycle between them. 

I quickly shoved the thoughts of sex out of my mind, not sure if I liked the fact that I wanted to do it again with Alexander, over and over until I passed out. Last night wasn’t very rough, but I knew he could go rough. I knew if I pissed him off enough, he’d fuck me like I was just a hole to fill– for his pleasure. My legs pressed together harder at the thought, my hips adjusting themselves against the seat, looking for any relief.

“He’s there.” His voice came. I nodded, stepped off the motorcycle, and followed the man, Eric, into the house. An ugly house for an ugly dude with an ugly name.

I snuck into the house, waiting for Eric to get out of the bathroom. I sat there for ten minutes before I heard the creak behind me. I approximated where he was, and flipped over him, grabbing his gun. I landed behind him, holding up my gun and his. I flipped my hair out of my face, wishing I had tied it back.

"Hands up," I said, slowly walking toward him. He backed up, his hands behind his neck. He grabbed something, and the sound of a gun went off. I ducked. He started running. I ran after him. I shoot at him, but he disappeared into a door that I didn't even know was there. It slammed shut behind him, but I threw his gun, getting it stuck between the door and the wall. I slammed into the door, putting all my weight on it. It opened. I smiled and ran after Eric. I pulled a long knife out of the holder on my calf, aiming while I was running and then throwing it between his legs and sticking it to the floor right in front of him. He yelped in surprise, stumbling and ultimately ending up on the ground. He landed face down. I climbed on top of him. Pressing my gun to the back of his head.

"Now, we can do this the hard way, or the easy way," I panted. Eric raised his hands, and I smiled.
"Easy way it is." I shot him, letting him die without pain. I got up, seeing the glint of security cameras all around the hallway. I shot every one of them, throwing my body to the ground and rolling on my shoulder to avoid the glass. I gritted my teeth from the soreness in my legs.

I found the computer that Alex was talking about and scanned it to the Flash Drive. The numbers on the computer screen started flashing, and I stared at it, curiosity flooding my mind.

The numbers aren't supposed to count down when you scan a hard drive... They are supposed to go up.

"Get out!" Alex yelled in my head, filling my senses. "It's a fucking bomb! Get out!" He was screaming at me, almost begging me to get out and for a second my only thought was his voice, and then his eyes. For some reason even while he was yelling at me, his voice was helping me stay calm and focused.

I froze. Memories flooded my head, and fear crept into my brain. I needed to get out.

I had a better idea.

I found the wire that connects to the computer and followed it. It disapeared into a wall. I quickly broke through the wall, and there it was.
Another bomb. 

I ripped the cover off.

I had two minutes.

I went to work.

One minute.

Alex screamed at me to get out.

I was almost there.

Thirty seconds.

Come on...

Ten seconds.

Nine seconds.

Seven seconds.

Six seconds.

I don't want to fucking die, and if this doesn't work, I will.

Four seconds.


I could hear my heart, my blood pumping through my veins, three seconds from being blown up as my fingers worked at the clamp keeping the wires attached. One wrong move, I’d be dead. One slow movement, I’ll be dead. My head was spinning, my whole body shaking. I could still hear Alexander's voice, but it was as I he wasn’t in my ear anymore, but rather on the shore while I was on a tiny island. I was alone.

Two seconds.

I got it.

I sat back, breathing heavily as the bomb froze at one second. My fingers were numb, and I couldn't hear my own thoughts anymore. My heart froze in my chest, and panicked relief set in.

I had been so close to being caught in another explosion.

I shook myself. My body was tense, and I shook out my legs before pulling the flash drive from the computer. My hands were shaking.

I pocketed the flash drive and walked out of the house. I climbed on my motorcycle and sped out of there.

"Take care of the security footage," I said to Alex.

"You went against my orders, princess." His voice was a slight whisper, and I winced.

"Sorry, Sir," I whispered. I ripped the earpiece out of my ear, throwing it on the road in front of me, and ran over it. I smiled a bit.

Alex's POV

I knew that letting Audrey go on this mission was dangerous, but as I stared at her panicked face through a security camera in the building, I knew it was too dangerous, too soon, too much.

"Get out!" I yelled into her earpiece. "Get out!" I panicked. She couldn't die, not now. I saw her eyes follow the wire to the bomb. She punched through the wall, pulling it down. I saw the way her body tensed up when she saw it, and I cursed at her bravery. She could fucking die.

She was scared, but she reached out to the bomb, ripping the cover off. She had two minutes.
My heart was racing. I couldn't lose her now, not after I did everything to keep her alive. I yelled at her to get out, but she ignored me. I watched her concentrate on the bomb.

"You don't have enough time!" I was desperate. Even if she got out of there right now, she wouldn’t be far enough away for her not to be affected.

She went to work. I watched her skilled fingers quickly dismantle the bomb. She didn't have enough time. My heart was racing as I screamed at her. She had thirty seconds. She wasn't going to make it.

Ten seconds.

My throat burned from yelling at her.

Five seconds.

Please, I can't lose her.

Three seconds.

My hands were braced on either side of the screen, my fingers digging into my wall, breaking the flimsy plaster. Her brown eyes were glossed over, her body tenser than ever.

Two fucking seconds.

She sat back, running her shaking hands through her hair. I sat down in the chair.

How did she do that?

She was so scared.

But she did it.

I stood up, quickly turning off my mic and letting out a yell.

I shouldn't care this much. I tried to convince myself that I just cared because I had paid so much to keep her alive, but I think that I knew it went deeper than that. She got up, seeming to not care that she had just been one second away from being blown up. She grabbed the flash drive and left the house.

"Take care of the security footage," She said, no trace of fear in her voice. I switched my mic back on.

I can’t remember what I said after that. My fucking head spun, my shoulders tense. My voice was shaking, and I hadn't even been the one near a bomb again.

The line disconnected, and I looked up to see the camera no longer working.

I felt like my heart was beating to pieces.

I’ve never been more stressed about something in my life.

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