Helen led me towards the neighboring building.
Several men followed behind us.
They're probably spectators.
The place she brought me to is the same place where I sold the wolf materials with Fina.
I don't see Gentz-san. A different man greeted us.
From here, I can't tell if Gentz-san is out today or if he's deeper inside.

"What's wrong, Helen-san?"

The male staff member came toward us once he notices Helen.

"I brought some wolves, is that alright?"

"No problem. Nothing's being dismantled at the warehouse right now."

"Then, Yuna-san, please come over here"

I brought out a wolf corpse from the kuma-box.
I understood one thing; even without reaching into the white bear's mouth, I can bring items out.
I raised the white bear hand over the countertop, and the items that I want to release (wolves) came out once I brought them to mind.
This is convenient, I'm glad I don't have to touch them.
From the back, I hear:

"There really are 40 wolves."

"As expected from the bear."

"If you get involved with that bear, you'll become like those wolves."

"I want her to hit me."

"I want to be stepped on by her."

Let's do our best to ignore those last words.

"That should be all of them."

"Yu-Yuna-san, did you really defeat all of these by yourself?"

"It just happened while I was practicing my magic."

"Haa, just happened, huh? That comes to 42 wolves total."

"It looks like the condition of both the meat and the fur are good. Next will be the magic stones, is it okay if we purchase those as well?"

"I don't mind, but is there any use for magic stones from wolves?"

"Yes, they don't have much power, but they are useful in various ways."

In the game, there was pretty much no use for magic stones outside of those dropped by high-level monsters and bosses, so I don't recall ever selling magic stones from low-level monsters.

"Well then, I will be continuing with the procedures, so please return to the guild building for now."

When I turned around, the group of adventurers were still making a fuss. Since there were perverts among them, I ignored them and entered the guild.

"Ok, so, I will be processing this job as an E-rank commission, so please let me see your guild card."

I handed over my card.
Helen, who received my card, looked over at me once again.

"May I ask one thing?"

"What is it?"

"Those wolves, did you defeat them one at a time?"

"There was a pack of them, so I defeated them."

"A pack of 40....in that case, it would be a D-rank commission. Please wait for a moment. I will discuss this with the guildmaster."

Helen went inside, and returned shortly afterwards.

"I processed your wolf subjugation as 14 E-rank commissions, meaning Yuna-san is now an E-rank."

"Is it okay to do it that easily?"

"I received permission from the guildmaster. You were able to clear a D-rank commission by yourself, so you are more than qualified for it."

"D rank?"

"Yes, subjugation of packs of 30 or more monsters are considered D-rank commissions. 50 or more is considered low C-rank."

"Well, I have no reason to refuse if you'd like to raise my rank, so I'm okay with it."

"Then I will continue with the proceedings."

Helen seems to be operating something within the counter.

"First, this is your reward for this commission. This is for 42 wolf meats, pelts, and magic stones. However, since the wolves were not dismantled, there is a 20% reduction."

Fina mentioned this before.

Adventurers will normally dismantle the corpses before turning it in.
The 20% is for operational expenses to dismantle the corpses.
Since I already heard about it from Fina beforehand, I nod in response to Helen's words and place the money pouch I received inside of the kuma-box.
Finally, since the process was finished, I put my guild card in there as well.

"With this, Yuna-san is now E-rank, so please do your best."


I returned to the inn, ate a late lunch, and returned to my room.

Since I defeated those wolves, I summoned my status screen.

Name: Yuna
Age: 15
Level: 13
Skills: Language from a Different World, Letters from a Different World, Dimensional Box of the Bear, Observing Eyes of the Bear

Magic: Bear Light, Bear's Body Enhancement, Bear's Fire Element Magic, Bear's Water Element Magic, Bear's Wind Element Magic, Bear's Earth Element Magic

Black Bear's Hand (Non-transferable)
White Bear's Hand (Non-transferable)
Black Bear's Foot (Non-transferable)
White Bear's Foot (Non-transferable)
Bear Suit (Non-transferable)
Bear Underwear (Non-transferable)

My skills increased by one.

Bear's Detection:
Able to detect nearby monsters through the use of ursine intuition.
Shows location of nearby monsters and stealthed units.

If I remember correctly, this was a skill in the game used for detecting thieves/robbers.
To think that this bear equipment could even learn this kind of skill.
However, this will make it a lot easier to find monsters.


Translated by: Xant & Minions

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