Magic: Bear Light, Bear’s Body Enhancement


Black Bear’s hand (Non-transferable)

White Bear’s hand (Non-transferable)

Black Bear’s foot (Non-transferable)

White Bear’s foot (Non-transferable)

Bear Suit (Non-transferable)

Bear Underwear (Non-transferable)

…Bear’s Body Enhancement?


Bear’s Body Enhancement:

Enhances physical power by distributing magical power throughout the bear equipment.

I closed the status window, wordlessly.

I decided to practice the next magic as if I didn’t see that.

Um, around here, I guess.

Ignoring the bear issue, I looked for an area where I could practice attack magic.

I ended up picking somewhere close to the entrance of the forest.

In this world, casting magic requires the following steps:

1) Gather magic power

2) Create a mental image of the magic you want to use

3) Incantation

In the game, it was:

1) Gather magic power

2) Incantation

It was simpler in the game.

After gathering your magic power, all you had to do was cast the spell.

After you gathered your magic, just saying ‘Fire’ was enough to cast the spell.

In this world, it’s necessary to create an image.

But that wasn’t a problem with my experience with games, manga, and novels.

I gathered magic in my hand and envisioned a fireball burning.


Yep, I easily did it.

A fireball is within the bear’s mouth.

It wasn’t hot and the bear wasn’t burning.

I extended my arm and envisioned the fireball being thrown.

My target is a boulder about 10 meter from me.

The fireball soared out from the bear’s mouth, striking the boulder and destroying it.

As a test, I tried gathering magical power and created a fireball just from the mental image.

I was able to confirm that I could use incantation-less magic.

However, shouting ‘Fireball’ made it easier to envision, and the activation was faster as well.

Incantations were required in game as well, so it looks like it’s easier to cast magic through incantations.

I’ll try using water magic next.


Just like fireball, a ball of water formed in the bear’s mouth.

I fire the water ball towards another boulder.

The boulder was barely broken after getting hit.

It looked like fire was stronger.

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