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3rd person POV:

(Warning: the author was high on air while writing this.)

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Jungkook yelled at taehyung as they were back in the cafeteria sitting among their friends.. the next day after they made up again.

"I told you I didn't steal anything yet you are telling at me in front of everyone?" Taehyung told back as he glared at the younger while holding a bottle in his hand.

"Then how come you have MY banana milk and i couldn't get any? Obviously you stole it.. it's mine." Jungkook said as he glared back with an angry pout on his lips.

"Because there was no strawberry milk today and I had to get banana milk which happened to be the last one as well." Taehyung reasoned as he threw his arms in the air dramatically.

"Then why did you take it? You know it's my favorite? You could have just taken chocolate one? Do i not matter to you? Am i not important? What about me? That was supposed to be mine.. not yours.. now you finished it whole. Now I can't get any today. And you i thought you didn't hate me. You betrayed me Kim.. i feel so betrayed." Jungkook said in a low voice as he closed his eyes and placed one hand on his chest as he sniffled while shaking his head.

"Huh? It's just milk baby." Taehyung muttered as he looked at the empty bottle in his hand.

"Just milk? It's not just milk Kim.. it's banana milk. And don't call me baby. I am not your baby anymore.. you are a traitor tae.. a traitor.

You betrayed me~
And I know that you'd never feel sorry~" jungkook sang in a low tone dramatically.

"Are you seriously singing Olivia Rodrigo for this? Are for real and you really won't let me let me call you baby?" Taehyung said as he looked at the younger who was looking down in his lap while wiping his non existent tears.

"Yes i won't.. you did this to me tae. You did.. only if you gave me that banana milk bottle.. this wouldn't have happened." Jungkook said as he looked up at him with a pout and doe eyes.

"Why are they so dramatic?" Seokjin whispered to the other three as he stifled a laugh.

"It's just their love."namjoon answered as he chuckled at the two.

"Atleast they are back to normal." Hoseok commented as he smiled at them.."yeah.. that's good that they are.. it was just a week yet i missed this." Jimin said agreeing to him.

"You know what.. i will bring you a whole carton tomorrow especially for you. Stop sulking now and stop being dramatic. And i will call you baby.. and you can't stop me." Taehyung grumbled as he slammed the empty bottle on the table.

"Can you all hear him.. just see how disrespect he is. He is calling me dramatic now. I trusted him.. i thought he cared about me." Jungkook whispered to the others while he pointed at the elder while he made a pretend devastated expression.

"Rivals care about each other?" Namjoon whispered back teasingly.

"Oh i didn't know that." Seokjin added while whispering as well.

"I thought y'all were supposed to hate each other." Jimin played along with them.

"I guess they don't now..so weird." Hoseok continued it as he made a fake shocked face.

Jungkook looked at them with an..'are you serious' expression as he leaned back before he turned towards taehyung who was trying not to laugh and looked at him with big Bambi eyes before he complained.."tae-tae.. they are making fun of me. Say something."

Taehyung just shrugged his shoulders at him as he pursed his lips in a straight line.."you really aren't going to say anything? This is who we are from now on? I see.. i don't want to live in this unfair world. I feel bullied here." Jungkook whispered as he covered his face with his hands while he looked down.

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