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3rd person POV:

Jungkook was still a little  hesitant and nervous about it as he took a shaky breath. "I-... I think I am in love with a boy... I am not sure about it but I think I am." Jungkook admitted looking down... Feeling weird saying it out loud to the man himself he is talking about.





"And there you are back to being a dumb bitch again." Taehyung said face palming himself breaking the awkward air between them.

"Why? What did i do? Infact i confessed my love for you.. you will be a stupid ass if you don't get it who i am talking to. I literally have a non-existent social life... You are the only boy i meet and spend time with... Obviously it's you." Jungkook defended himself like he was the one who was offended.. well technically it was him but also.. not really.

"How would I know that, you dumbfuck? I am not with you 24/7.. who knows who you meet when you are not with me." Taehyung argued back.

"Shut the fuck up. You are a dumbfuck, i am not.. i am just talking to you because even if i love you ,you are still my friend first." Jungkook said.. through gritted teeth.. annoyed.

"Well still you should have specified it, now what if i think it someone else you love? I would be heartbroken. You don't know how painful one sided love is." Taehyung said back what he was thinking.

"As if you know anything about painful one sided love, fuck off."jungkook argued again.

"You don't know.. i might actually be in one sided love with someone." Taehyung said like he was actually talking seriously.

Jungkook snapped his head towards  him at that as he looked at him with wide eyes and furrowed eyebrows.. feeling his throat getting dry.

"Y-you.. are you really in love with someone?" Jungkook questioned in an almost quiet voice even though he himself didn't know why he was reacting like that.

"Huh? Why does that matter? But no.. i am not.. i was just saying it for the sake of saying.. not actually meaning it. But why are you acting like it was such a big deal if i was." Taehyung said chuckling surprisedly at the younger's reaction who looked away from him.

"Right.. it doesn't matter.. i was just surprised.. i thought you didn't tell me that you were in love with someone.. that's why." Jungkook said letting out an awkward fake laugh as he smacked his own head lightly staring at one point on the floor.

Taehyung raised his eyebrows at the sudden behaviour change of the ravenhead but shook his head and asked.."why would I tell you even if i was in love? We are not friends or anything. I hate you and you hate me.. so there is literally no point in sharing it with you."

"Uh?" Jungkook let out shocked not knowing how to respond.." Yeah.. we hate each other.. that's right. Don't tell me. I-.. yeah." Jungkook himself didn't know what he was saying, just spewing random words.. not knowing what to say anymore.

"Are you alright? What happened to you suddenly?" Taehyung questioned worriedly seeing the younger zoned out.

"Huh? Me? Nothing happened.. i am alright.." jungkook said showing an awkward fake smile and pointed at the past two who were having a conversation to avert the topic.

"Yeah." Taehyung muttered as the turned their attention towards their past selves again.





As soon as the brunette heard that.. his eyes widen in shock.. mouth ajar. But he also felt something breaking in him as he heard that.

Just In Love ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora