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3rd person POV:

In a few minutes taehyung ,jimin and hoseok were there at the gym as they entered inside talking and laughing between themselves or just taehyung cursing them out for bribing him with a Gucci jacket.

Well.. his family is crazy rich too but free stuff is free stuff.. so here he is walking inside the gym in early morning at probably 5 am.

This gym is where usually the richy rich people visit.. so they had expected it to be having no visitors in the early morning but as soon as they went inside they saw a boy in a loose tshirt and sweatpants and as usual the glasses rested on his nose while he ran on the treadmill on a high speed.

The three of them knew the boy all too well.. it was obviously their nerdy boy.. Jeon Jungkook.

"Jeon does gym? This early in the morning?" Hoseok asked taehyung in a low voice.. who kept staring at the raven haired man with an unknown emotion in his eyes that both his friends noticed.

"I don't know.. he's my rival.. not my friend.. how would I know what he does and what he doesn't.. never mind leave about him.. let's just start our working out."  Taehyung said dismissing the conversation and looking away from the  younger male.

"Alright.. let's start with running." Hoseok said as the trio moved on to the treadmills with the blonde on the one right beside jungkook.

Jungkook who had been wearing headphones with loud music in to drown out the neverending thoughts in his mind turned towards him sensing someone else being there..

His eyes widen for a second before returning back to normal ..then he turned his head back when the older made eye contact with him..not being able to hold that up.

Jungkook winced.. almost losing balance as he stopped the machine.. he has been doing this for the last half an hour or more though.

He got off it and picked up his water bottle taking a seat on the ground for a second to catch his breath.

His face showed the expression of obvious pain as he drank water then closed the water bottle placing it aside and held his ankle.. removing the shoe off it.

"Fuck.. ahhh." Jungkook cursed in a low voice to not catch the attention of the other three here as he looked at the ankle that was swollen again after tomorrow though he had applied an icepack and some pain relieving spray yesterday.

"Get up get up.. you need to work out." He encouraged himself internally getting up from there and moving towards the bench press trying his best not to limp and to not wince at the throbbing pain in his ankle.

But taehyung did notice him as his eyes were on him.. he also saw the red eyes and the obvious tired look on his face and the definite lack of sleep.

He wanted to ask him what happened or just why is he here when he shouldn't be but then he remembered what the raven head had said yesterday about not needing to help him or worry and care about him and that he can manage on his own.

When have you ever listened to him before.. just ask him.. maybe he needs someone to listen to him.

Taehyung heard an unknown deep voice saying these words to him as he stopped running and turned from where he heard it.

"Who is it?" He asked out loud getting off the machine.. hoseok and jimin who were endulged in a conversation stopped it also turning towards their friend.

"Has he gone mad.. why is he looking like he has seen a ghost in the air." Jimin whispered to hoseok who tried not to laugh.

Jungkook who was walking to do bench presses also turned towards him confusedly.

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