|-| S3 Ch3 |-|

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Shu bolted out of the plane as soon as it landed, racing out of the airport and towards the Raging Bulls building. 

"Valt!" he exclaimed, racing up to the bluenette. Valt gestured towards the police cars parked outside the building. 

Shu grinned as he realized what was going on. 

"Unhand me this instant!" Ashtem exclaimed as the officers forced him into the car. 

Valt smiled. "They're arresting Ashtem!" 

Gawking, Shu raced up to the building. He glanced around to see all the Raging Bulls members crowded around outside. But one in particular caught his eye. 

"Y/N!" he exclaimed, racing up to the Bey trainer. She was crouched down beside a little boy, the one that had received the old Spryzen. He was in tears, and Shu slowed down. 

The little boy sniffled. "Y/N, what will we do now?" 

Y/N sighed sadly, pulling the little boy in for a hug. "It's going to be alright. I'll find a way to contact all your parents and get you guys home." 

Shu's heart melted at the sight. All the youngest members of the old Bey club were crowded around Y/N. She was smiling softly. 

"I'll miss you Y/N!" "Please, don't tell us we have to go!" "Why can't we stay here with you?" 

Shu tilted his head, turning towards one of the officers. "What will happen to the Raging Bulls team?" he asked. 

The officer shrugged. "I should imagine it will get shut down." 

Shu hesitated for a moment. 

"What if someone were to take over the team? Someone like me?" 

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