|-| S2 Ch4 |-|

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"And finally, your dorm," Y/N said, motioning towards a door. "That concludes our tour of the Raging Bulls. 

"It's definitely bigger than I expected," Shu stated as a small boy ran up to them. 

Y/N glanced down at him. "Can I help you?" 

He smiled. "I'm glad you're back! Can you help me with my launch later?" the boy asked. Y/N nodded, smiling. 

"What kind of Bey trainer would I be if I didn't help?" 

 Shu looked at Y/N with a confused glance as the boy ran off. "Bey trainer?" 

Y/N nodded. "Yeah. I'm the Raging Bulls Bey trainer. In fact, I was the one who designed Legend Spryzen," she stated, motioning to Shu's pocket, where the Bey was resting. 

Shu glanced at her with wide eyes. 

"You mean you designed Legend Spryzen?" 

His gaze then darkened. "Were you the one who destroyed Storm Spryzen?" 

Y/N shook her head. "Of course not. In fact, I stopped Theodore from breaking it. He gave it to that little boy you just saw." 

Shu nodded. "Well, as long as he takes care of my old partner, then I'm fine with it. Actually, I have to tell you something." 

Y/N tilted her head and opened her mouth as if to say something, but before she could, Theodore Glass interrupted them, stepping into the hallway. 

"Well, now that the tour is over, Y/N, please go to the training room. There are some students in need of assistance. And Shu, you come with me. 

Y/N nodded and bolted off to the training area, leaving Shu with Ashtem. 

"I know that you know about Y/N's parents," Ashtem said. "And if you tell her..." 

Shu gulped and nodded, understanding the clear message that the man was implying. 

Keep the information to yourself or else. 

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