|-| Prologue |-|

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"Y/N!" Shu called out, his small voice echoing across the empty hallways as he searched for his friend. "Where are you?" 

"Here!" responded a small girl as she raced up to the albino kindergartener. Shu sighed in relief as Y/N stopped in front of him. 

Y/N looked into his deep scarlet eyes. "Shu, what's wrong?" 

He glanced at her sadly. "I was worried when I couldn't find you at recess. Valt and Xander are looking for you on the playground." 

Y/N started to laugh. 

"Then let's go play with them!" she called as she dragged Shu outside. Nothing could have prepared them for what they saw next. 

Valt was running towards Xander, but right at the last second, Xander stepped out of the way, causing Valt to crash into Shu. Both of the boys fell to the ground laughing as Y/N just stood on the sidelines. 

Shu whined, "Valt, what was that for?" as he stood up. Valt just shrugged. 

"Hey, there you are, Y/N!" Xander exclaimed, stomping up to the designated kindergartener. Y/N chuckled and started to approach the miniature giant before she heard her name getting called. 

"Y/N! Your mother is here to pick you up!" one of the teachers called out. Y/N tilted her head, confused. 

"But it's recess time. She isn't supposed to come until the end of the day," Shu stated, dusting himself off. 

Y/N shrugged, running towards the teacher, who led her inside the building. Shu watched her go sadly, but reminded himself that he'd see her tomorrow like always. 




Shu waited outside the classroom door for Y/N to arrive, glancing at the clock occasionally. She was supposed to be at school five minutes ago! 

The teacher walked past Shu and waved. Politely, Shu responded with a "Good morning!" as the teacher entered the classroom. 

Five minutes later, when Y/N never arrived, Shu came to the conclusion that she must be running late, or sick. He told himself that he would visit her after school and check on her. 

As he walked into the classroom, he froze at the grim atmosphere. 

"What's wrong?" he asked the teacher, who had her head on the desk tiredly. She glanced at him and gestured for him to sit down. 

Valt and Xander, as usual, were sitting next to each other. Shu sat in between them as the teacher stood up and went to the front of the classroom. 

"Class," she stated, sighing. "Y/N L/N and her parents have perished in a fire last night." 

Shu froze, not wanting to believe it was true. Y/N couldn't be gone. There was no way! 

He stood up and ran out of the room, crying. Making his way over to Y/N's house, he realized the teacher was right; there was a heaping pile of ash in place of the house where his best friend had once lived. 

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