They look like their having so much fun<3

Irene scrolled through some more of the comments and looked at who were some were if they were saying 'Panda DM me.' Some were models with a few thousand followers.

"Irene, this one guy has 27 thousand followers and he's a model look!" Lia grabbed the phone and scrolled until she found a guy who looked like he travelled a lot, who was around Daniel's kind of looks ranking.

"But thats not even the best part! Look!" Mira snatched her phone out of Lia's hands and showed Irene some of the people who liked it.

Eli_Jang17 liked your post
Vas.co_TaeLee liked your post
ZackLee201 liked your post

Irene immediately started smiling with the girls that were squealing and giggling like little fangirls. Because they were. Irene hid her smile with her hand and giggled with the girls.

"Hey." Irene looked over to see some guy. He definitely wasn't in her class, but from a different department most likely. He had a hat on and he was dressed in all black with sunglasses on. She had no idea who he was or what department he was from, but everyone else did. They all stared in shock at who he was as he towered over Irene with his hand in his pocket and the other stabilizing himself on the podium. He haunched over and leaned over her a bit.

"Hi?" Irene questioned and stepped to the side a bit.

"Lemme get your number. You're fine." He smirked down at her.

"Do i know you?" Irene asked, innocently. Zack and his friends stifled a laugh and watched as Jin was shooting his shot with Irene. Jin was visibly dumbfounded that she had no idea who he was.

"I'll let you know when we text." He smirked and snatched her phone out of her hand. Irene flinched a bit from that and looked down at Mira with complete shock. She would've brushed it off with 'sorry, I'm really busy and i don't have time for that' if he didn't take her phone out of her hand.

The class knew Vin Jin. Nobody liked him, but everyone knew him. He was good looking and a douche bag who thought of himself higher than everybody. They all knew he saw the pictures of Irene, Lia and Mira if they had clearly never met. They all felt bad for Irene. If she really did text him it would not be good and she would probably end up in a weird cycle with him. If she didn't respond he was going to start something with her. Thats just the kind of asshole he was.

"See ya around, beauty." He smiled her. He handed her her phone back and walked out simply without any regard for what he just did. Irene watched him walk out with swagger to see Vasco standing in the door way. He glared at Jin as he raised his eyebrow at him and walked past him.

Irene and Vasco stared at each other. He looked annoyed and she looked confused and taken aback. He stood with one hand behind his back and the other on the door frame in his white tank top and grey jumpsuit tied around his lower half.

"Go." Mira placed her hand on Irene's back and pushed her toward the door. Irene looked back at her, confused on what was going on. She walked away toward the door as Mira and Lia held hands and giggled. Irene felt nervous to talk to him though. She was nervous to see him and see what he had to say to her.

"She just go hit on by Vin Jin!"

"He must've seen the pictures last night!"

"Wheres she going?" Since he was behind the door frame only the front row of people could see who she was going to go talk to. They all started to wonder if she was going to go talk to Vin Jin, but Mira and Lia knew who she was going to talk to. They watched her glance back at them and shut the door in front of everyones vision. Irene sighed and cocked her head back to look up at him.

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