~*Chapter 1: Niall*~

Start from the beginning

I had gotten a text message from Zayn asking me to meet him in the auditorium during sixth period. I was the office monitor and it wasn't uncommon for me to meet him during sixth period before he left campus for the day. I could've sworn he told me he was leaving right after fifth.

Today something was different and I knew it the moment I walked through the door of the auditorium. I heard moans coming from behind the stage. I slowly walked up and found Zayn behind the stage having sex with Gigi Hadid. I thought I was gonna throw up. I stood there like an idiot watching them for  probably a good minute before my brain started to work again.

I finally was able to turn myself away from one of the worst moments in my life only to walk into a prop for the stupid Wizard of Oz play the drama class was putting on tonight. It mad a loud crash as it hit the floor and I turned just in time to see Zayn look up at me with a stunned look on his face and to see Gigi give me the most evil smile I'd ever seen. I mean really... that bitch could throw daggers at her mother while singing a Disney song. At that moment, I knew this was all her doing, she set it up for me to be here and see this.

I turned and jumped over the prop to run out the door. All I knew was that I could hardly breathe and I really needed to get out of there and fast. I heard the bastard calling out for me.

"Let me explain! Niall! Please let me explain!" He kept yelling out. Really... how could he possibly explain why he was having sex with someone else a cheerleader who hated my guts.

Every since Zayn asked me to the fall dance, Gigi has made it her mission in life to hate me and take Zayn away. With her perfect blonde hair and perfect body and let's not forget daddy's money. I guess she's accomplished her goal of taking Zayn from me.

After I spent the last twenty minutes in the boy's bathroom ugly crying with my best friend Harry standing outside the bathroom stall begging me to tell him what was wrong, I was ready to find Gigi and tell her she won nothing. Because Zayn would just do the exact same thing to her. So I hope she'd enjoys it.

I was finally able to somewhat speak to Harry once the sobs settled a bit.

"Oh my gawd, Haz, that fooker ... that no good for nothing." And there it was... another round of endless sobs

"Please Niall, you're really scaring me. Please tell me who and what the hell you're talking about before I scale this fooking door and beat it out of you." Harry screamed over my loud cries.

"It's...it's Zayn. I saw him having sex with... Gi..Gi..Gi.."

I can't breathe... oh my god! Why?

"I just saw Zayn fooking Gigi Hadid behind the stage!" I screamed out with such a force even I was waiting for someone to come see what hell was going on.

For a few minutes, I thought Harry had left me in my misery alone. I was alone, sitting in the boys bathroom crying over some jerk, crying all alone.

I would always end up alone.

How stupid was I to think that Zayn would wait to be with me until I was ready? I just never felt like Zayn was "the one" I was saving myself. We had barely even kissed and he never really tried to go any further. My mother told me the first and only time she met Zayn that I was only arm candy for him.

I'm always gonna be alone. I shook my head... that's not true... I had Greg. I'd always have Greg.

"Holy hells bells...Jesus,Mary and Joseph... that dirty rotten son of a bitch cock-sucking motherfooker! I'm gonna cut his balls off and..."

God, I loved this guy. Harry had been my best friend since we were ten an he moved here from Holmes Chapel. He was handsome, funny and smart as hell. He was graduating as valedictorian of our class. He was taller than me he's 5'10" and weighed around 154lbs. He had luscious curls that came right below his chin. He had green eyes anybody would kill for. His only downfall was he was too nice. If he wasn't careful people would push him around. That is until someone messes with someone he cares about.

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