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Elsie stared at the place where the legendary pokemon were at moments before they left. She was out of breath, hands trembling as she held them. Still trying to recover from the battle. Her pokemon all gathered around her as she fell to her knees, finding it hard to stand. Sapphire's Mega Evolution was worn out as they approached.

"I can't believe we just did all that..." she rasped.

"You... just had to come back and make yourself the better person didn't you?" Demetria gritted her teeth. Elsie turned to face her.

"I returned to have Holon create its own Gym Leaders and Elite Four. To make it easier for everyone here to have a pokemon journey of their own. Best case scenario there wouldn't even need to be exams at the trainer school, or at the very least make it not as hard for inspiring trainers to get a high enough score." with the help of Lucien, Elsie slowly got up to her feet. "I was trying to get you to be a Gym Leader or Elite Four member. I tried to reach out to you several times but you never replied. Now I know why. You were busy trying to come up with plans to destroy the entire region."

"I found out that I can be strong without you holding me down!"

"I could say the same thing. And based on our current conditions right now, my path wasn't destructive."

Both girls were exhausted, parts of their bodies covered in frost due to all the ice and snow the legendary pokemon had created. Elsie was surrounded by her pokemon, and with friends supporting her behind the tower. Demetria was alone and unable to stand. Glaceon, her partner simply turned away when they briefly made eye contact as she held onto the belt containing her other pokemon in her teeth.

"Don't think this is over..." Demetria growled.

"It's been over since the legendary pokemon left."

Demetria tried to stand but a force held her down to the ground. It wasn't long until Alice and her Gardevoir appeared, followed by the rest of Elsie's friends.

"Hey! The moment Team Frost saw their secret weapons ran off they bolted too!" Lyn called out. "Are you alright?"

Elsie nodded with a smile. "Yeah. With some help, we managed to pull through. We won't have the worry about the region being in danger anymore."

"Who knew we would be having to deal with this right when we got home." Hera sighed as she shook her head. "Honestly what were these people thinking?"

"We beat them so there's no need to worry about them. Let's just get their little leader here to the proper authorities and be done with all this nonsense."

Alice nodded and instructed her Gardevoir to carry Demetria away as the group walked off. Elsie began to follow them but stopped when she saw Glaceon still standing there.

"Thank you for your help," she said. "And I'm sorry that you had to go through all that. It must've been hard for you. If you want, you can stay with us until you find out what you want to do now. It's the least I can do for you."

Glaceon seemed to hesitate for a moment but nodded, slowly making her way over to Prism's side. The group then left the top of the tower.


'Finally, we can get back to what we were trying to do when we got here.' Elsie thought as she went to meet everyone. As she went outside, Glaceon trotted alongside her with Prism. They made it to the entrance of the school, where the future Gym Leaders and Elite Four were waiting for them.

"Sorry to keep everyone waiting," Elsie said.

"Eh, we're all a little sore from last week," Alice replied with a shrug. "I'm surprised that some of us were able to get out of bed, to be honest."

"Well, we're recovering pretty nicely from it, aren't we? And Holon seems to have calmed down from the scare. So, we already agreed on the cities that'll have gyms and that the tournaments will be held in Volaris City. So what else did you guys want to discuss."

"We haven't figured out on what to do regarding a champion," Noah replied. "So it's best if we discuss that matter."

Elsie was caught off guard by it. "Oh that. I was always thinking that it would be whoever managed to get through the first tournament. Then after any champion would be part of the tournament."

At that, Lyn shook her head. "No, we need to decide on our first champion. And after everything that happened, we all agreed on who should be Holon's very first champion."

"Oh, that's great. So who is it?"

Elsie was only met with silence and stares which confused her. "Uh, guys? Who did you want to become the first champion."

"The one who decided to come back to Holon in order to build its own Pokemon League," Hale said.

"The one who fought and defeated the leader of Team Frost," Hera added.

"The one who had an encounter with the former guardians of Holon," Lyn added.

Elsie's eyes widened at that. "Wait a minute how did you-"

"You forget that I have plenty of psychic type pokemon," Noah told her. "They foresaw your encounter with them right before Team Frost decided to go through with their plans."

"Don't worry though, your secret is safe with us," Oliver said. "Sagent and Resilvern were kind enough to give you enough strength to defeat Demetria. We certainly wouldn't want to pay them back by telling the world where they are and risk them getting hunted down."

Alice stepped forward. "Are you getting it now? We want to make sure the world knows how strong our league is right? Who better to be the champion than you?"

"B-But I'm-"

"The reason we're all here today and Holon isn't a giant glacier right now."

Elsie wasn't sure how to react. "I'm not sure if I should just promote myself to champion just like that."

"You're not promoting yourself. We all agreed that you should have this position."

'I... guess after what everyone has been through I can't really refuse can I?' she thought, taking a breath, knowing what her answer would be.

"I-I... don't know what kind of champion I'll be. But I'll do my best to be one that you and everyone else in Holon can be proud of."

Alice smiled at her friend's response. "Then let's go Champion. We got some work to do."

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