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Elsie wasn't quite sure what was going on, her vision fading in and out. In addition to that and the fact that all the sounds around her seemed very distant, the best guess she could make about her current condition was that she was somewhere between conscious and unconscious.

She vaguely remembered feeling like she was falling after a voice called out... something.


"Han.... there... sie!"

Elsie could've sworn that the second voice she heard sounded familiar, but it wasn't long until she completely slipped into unconsciousness.


Elsie soon felt like she was floating. Once she opened her eyes she found herself looking up at a starry sky. It didn't take long for her to realize where she was.

'This is the same type of sky that I see every time I'm having that weird dream... I guess I'm still asleep... or knocked out.'

For some reason, she only had the energy to look around with her eyes, which let her realize that she was lying in the pool. She briefly wondered why it just felt like she floating in the air rather than water.

Just as she half expected the voices to appear, they came, but in addition to something that hadn't happened ever since she's been having these dreams.

Above her, two great dragons appeared before her. Strangely enough, Elsie didn't feel any fear when they appeared, or when they came closer. For some reason, she felt like she knew these dragons from somewhere.

"It seems like you've encountered unexpected danger during your journey." one of the dragons noted. "Thankfully... it appears as if you'll live through this. You're hidden strength is surfacing fast."

It was then that Elsie felt like she had enough energy to speak. "What's this hidden strength that you two keep mentioning? And who are you?"

"I am Resilvern, little friend."

"And I am Sagent."

"Nice to finally meet you...officially," Elsie said.

Resilvern stared at the girl as if it was considering something. "Seeing you in such a state... brings back unpleasant memories."

"Let's not keep her here more than what is necessary. This one's friends are waiting for her to wake up." Sagent said before moving in close. "We do not wish for history to repeat itself. So we will help just this once... should you seek our help again, you will have to awaken your hidden strength first."

The two dragons opened their mouths and beams of light fired toward Elsie. Her vision suddenly turned white as the light hit her.


"Is she gonna be alright?"

Elsie was pretty sure that voice belonged to Lillie. Though she wasn't sure about the other two voices.

"Silvally and I chased off the Nihilego as quickly as we could. She wasn't in that beast's grasp for long."

"True but it still managed to get poison in her. Of course, it'd be a bit easier to examine her if we could move her."

Just like at the beginning of her dream, Elsie found it nearly impossible to move. Even trying to open her eyes was a big hassle. Though she was pretty sure that something was wrapped around her, though not restricting her to the point where she couldn't move. Perhaps that was the third voice was referring to.

Elsie tried to open her eyes again. Her attempt must've been noticeable since she heard her team's voice. Prism's little squeak, Skye and Lucien's barks, and the flap of Sapphire's and Ico's wings. She even heard Milotic's little coo. The noise the pokemon made then caught the attention of whoever else was surrounding her.

"She's waking up!"

The first thing she saw was Prism and Sapphire, her first two partners. At first, they were overjoyed to see their trainer open her eyes but it was quickly replaced with what looked like shock and confusion.

"Elsie, how are you feeling?" Lillie asked. "We were so- o-oh..."

Just like Prism and Sapphire, Lillie was at first overjoyed but then had a shocked expression. There were two other people behind her; a boy and a woman. Elsie couldn't help but notice that all three of them looked similar. There was an odd creature standing next to the boy.

"W-What happened?" Elsie asked. "And... why are you all looking at me like that?"

"Well... somehow an Ultra Wormhole opened up in this area and a Nihilego came through." the woman explained. "You and the Milotic holding you were attacked."

"Nihilego? Ultra Wormhole? I think I heard about those in Professor Burnet's lab." Elsie said, mostly to herself as she slowly sat up. Milotic adjusted so that the girl could sit comfortably.

"Your Milotic was holding onto you right after Sivally chased away the ultra beast." the boy explained. "It refused to let you go so we had to treat your wounds here."

Elsie blinked in confusion. Her Milotic? The one she was laying on was just one she kept company for a while until members of the Aether Foundation brought it here.

"Well... thank you for saving me," she said. "But... why are you all looking at me like that?"

"I guess we have no choice but to be straightforward with this." The woman mumbled to herself before speaking to Elsie again. "Were your eyes always that color?"

"W-What do you mean by-"

Lillie held up a small mirror and Elsie immediately saw what everyone else was seeing. Her eyes were purple instead of their usual brown color. It wasn't long until she was sharing the same shocked expression that her pokemon and Lillie were doing just a few moments ago.

Despite the shock, she managed to answer the woman's question. "N-No. This is the first time they've been like this."

"There's nothing about Nihilego's toxins that should have someone's eye color change. I can't help but wonder what caused them to be like that."

Suddenly Elsie remembered the dream she had.

"May I ask you something? Do the names Sagent and Resilvern mean anything to you or the people of Alola?" Elsie asked.

The woman shook her head. "No. That's the first time I've heard of such names. But further questions can wait. Now that you're awake, perhaps you can convince your Pokemon to let you go to be more properly evaluated and treated."

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