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"Great job Ico." Elsie praised as her Rowlet returned to her after they had defeated a trainer. Ico cooed happily as he perched himself on his trainer's shoulder. Elsie thanked the trainer for battling her, healing their pokemon before heading off.

"We've been doing quite a bit of training..." Elsie thought aloud. "Maybe it's time that we finally face off against Kahuna Hala for our grand trial. But then again...Hala got the title of Kahuna for a reason...he's not just going to be some trainer that you make eye contact with while travelling through a route...I wonder just how much training is considered enough..."

Elsie was soon snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Prism growl. She looked to see what was causing her partner to be aggressive and saw what she was staring at.

"You're...the Growlithe from earlier." she said. "I guess you ate the Oran Berries that we left for you. Are you feeling alright now?" 

Growlithe simply stepped forward, coming closer to Elsie. It only stopped when it was right in front of her. It was then that Growlithe sat down at Elsie's feet, staring up at her.

Elsie tilted her head in confusion. "Uh...is there something wrong Growlithe? Why are you just looking at me like that?"

"Seems like that Growlithe there wants to join you." a voice said from behind her. Shocked, Elsie turned around to see who it was.

"K-Kahuna Hala. You think...Growlithe wants to join my team?"

Hala nodded. "It's clear to me that there's something about you that has made this Growlithe take a shine to you. I couldn't help but notice that it was following you and watching you train. But it's only until both trainer and pokemon have chosen each other can they truly be partners. So, what is your decision Elsie?"

Elsie returned her attention to the Growlithe, kneeling before it so they were as close to eye level as they could be. "Do you really want to join me?"

Growlithe let out a small yip, its tail beginning to wag the moment she asked that question. Elsie couldn't help but smile.

"It's definitely an honor to have your trust. And I want all pokemon to be happy so...if being with me will make you happy then we're more than happy to have you. Welcome to the team Growlithe!"

The Puppy Pokemon barked happily, jumping into Elsie's arms and licking her face, causing the girl to giggle uncontrollably.

"Well, I guess we should come up with a name for you then." Elsie said as she began to think of names. "Looks like you're a boy so...how about Lucien?"

Growlithe nodded, his tail still wagging.

"Then it's settled. Let's have a lot of fun adventures together, Lucien." Elsie pulled out an empty pokeball and gently tapped Lucien's forehead with it. The ball wiggled in her hand three times before staying still as it clicked. Elsie then stood up, holding the pokeball close to her and faced Hala.

"I'm ready to face your grand trial." she said.

"Very well then." Hala replied. "Let us go to Iki Town."


Elsie took a deep breath as she found herself once again standing on the same wooden stand where she had her very first battle.

'After this...I'll be able to travel to the other islands of Alola.' she thought. 'With Lucien with me now...I'm sure that we can pull off a win.'

Soon Hala appeared, meeting his challenger on the stand.

"Allow me to properly greet the young adventurers embarking on their island challenge. I am Hala, the kahuna of Melemele Island. Shall we begin?"

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