Start from the beginning

He sent you a look as you sent him a small nod of support, "Yeah, I know", He muttered continuing to follow after the group with a determined look on his face.

• • • • • •

"Steady! Not yet! Almost...!", Your squad leader drew out as you all prepared to get into position, "Break away!", he called out as the titan brought its fist to the roof completely obliterating it into pieces.

You kept running along side Eren and Mikasa as you made your way to the bolder that Eren would need to use to close the hole in the wall.

You felt your heart pounding with anticipation as you flew from the buildings getting closer and closer to the objective.

You felt yourself flying in the air as you slid past the towering structures all around you. The breeze from the wind hitting your face, as you swung from tower to tower.

You grunted as you tried using your momentum to save up some gas just in case of getting stuck in a similar situation like earlier. You felt yourself dip low to the ground as you kept your body upright watching Eren and Mikasa from above as they flew fast along the city streets.

You flung yourself up doing a quick spiral as you turned your body in the other direction to help you balance yourself. You watched as Eren brought himself in the air using a move you taught him before a bright light shined in the distance as he transformed into his titan.

A large explosion came from the area he was in before he let out a loud shriek shaking the surrounding houses.

You and Mikasa stood on a rooftop watching as he prepared to pick up the large boulder, "Granted in terms of proportion its not easy to see how he'll lift it, But in terms of sheer will, he's got this. I know he does", Mikasa muttered confidently.

"I don't doubt that", You nodded looking back over at him.

He slowly turned his body towards the two of you with a fierce look in his eyes, almost like he was in some sort of trance, "Eren?", Mikasa called out before he quickly brought his fist to the wall the two of your were on.

Letting out small shrieks you both felt the wall cave in below you as you reached out to grabbed a hold of Mikasa. Bringing her closer to your side you watched a large piece of debris make its way towards her.

You used your strength to fling her to the other side of the roof, before using your gear to fly back to a safer spot. Unfortunately your foot was slammed into a large rock as you let out a low hiss from the pain.

The rest of the squad looked on in fear as they watched you stand in front of him as your blades were drawn as a precaution in case things went south.

Unlike what everyone else probably believed right now, Eren was no threat to any of these people. His display at this moment was not helping his case, but you weren't scared of him.

It was normal that he would be like this, considering the fact that he has no prior experience to honing his titan ability.

You remembered how it was for the other shifters when they first got their titans. They were erratic and irritated beyond belief. Wanting to destroy everything in their wake.

Which is why they trained and were overseen by men and women that knew how to control them. Unlike Eren, who two hours ago had no idea he possessed the ability to shift into the very monster he declared to kill.

So you stayed put, thinking of a way to get him to snap out of this trance like state he was in.

Unfortunately that gave Eren the perfect opportunity to strike again as he lifted his fist once more to bring it down on you.

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