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Heyo, I'm low-key sick rn but I wanted to come on and say happy pride month! I love you all no matter who you love or who you don't love; who you identify as or with! As long as you aren't being mean, or gross, you do you! ❤️

(Also for this part, it has no relation to pride month only because I didn't have any ideas lmao. This is also a short and dumb chapter that doesn't really have Ottogoblin parts in it, ironic I know....but oh well)

Harry Osborn sucked at basic math. At least he did in the 4th grade; he remembered sitting at the dining room table with his mother, doing his math homework with little to no worry. And then his father would come home from work.

Norman would often come home with his work partner, Otto Octavius (you all know what that means); they would talk to Emily for a little while before Norman noticed his un-bothered son working on homework.

Harry remembered his father sitting down next to him, fluffing up his hair and looking down at the paper of times tables. He would hum and notice that poor Harry was having a tough time figuring out what the answer was.

And then it happened.

"You need any help son?"

It's a nice question, and it seemed that Harry fell for it, every– single– time it was asked. He looked at his father and nodded, ignoring his mother's looks that clearly said that was a bad idea. Otto Octavius sat down beside him, as if for back up....

"Well, let's see— what is 3 x 7?"

......what?.....hold on—Harry had no idea..... uhm alright, well at least Normans going to wait for moment—

"Son. What is 3 x 7?"

Why is he asking it again..? And why is Otto now looking at Harry as if he was also waiting for an answer. By this time Emily was long gone up the stairs, going to more than likely read something. She had left him to the wolves.


"Give him a minute, Norman. The boy can only think so much."

Otto was an angel.....he had saved the poor boy some time to think.....not long but long enough.

"Uhm, is it....27....?"

Normans stiffened, taking a breath and putting his hand on Harry's shoulder. Otto on the other hand looked empathetic to Harry, which gave the clear impression that Norman had the opposite reaction.

"No, Harry it is not 27. Think again. What is 3 x 7?"

Harry's lip quivered, he looked down to his paper and tried to think back to class. Thinking back to when be copied off of Peters paper— but nothing came to mind!

"What is 7 + 7?"

Otto offered some type of solution; ignoring the look from Norman. Harry's brain suddenly became big, now this question he knew of. He was smart, and he had fingers to count on!

"7....8....9...10...11....12...13...14....14! It's 14!"

Harry looked to his father excited; his father's smile adding onto the excitement. Norman looked over to his work partner, giving him a smile what wasn't quiet the same as the one he gave to Harry.

"Alright, good. Now add 7 to that."

What? Add 7 to what—

"Add 7 to 14, Harry."

Oh ok, makes sense. Let's see here.....14....15....16....17.....— definitely 21. The answer is 21!

"21! The answer is 21!"

Norman nodded and fluffed Harry's hair, grabbing the yellow pencil from beside him so that Harry could write the answer down. Otto looked happy as well, adding onto the support. Harry grabbed the pencil and held it to the paper.......

"But this is multiplication....not addition..."

Norman resisted the urge to face palm, he took of hand off of his son's shoulder and used to to stretch across and shove Otto's shoulder. Glaring at him. Otto rolled his eyes and hunched over Harry once more.

"Harry, multiplication is somewhat like addiction alright? When you multiply 7 and 3, your just adding 7 to each other 3 times."

Harry took a minute....then understood. He looked down to his paper and happily put down the answer. 21. He was smart, definitely figured that out on his own.

Norman rubbed his eyes and took a breath. He read the next problem to himself and nodded, this was simple. He figure that out in his sleep.

"What is 5 x 4?"

Harry tried to count on his figures, but kept fumbling over his stupidity. What was 5+5+5+5.....he was taking the long way to figure it out.

"Harry, it's almost time for bed. Come on, try to count faster."

Harry quickly nodded and started to re count. He felt his father's hand to back to his shoulder, a sure sign that he was starting to get annoyed by how long it was taking. Oops, he has to recount now. He wasn't even aware that he was taking longer than 5 minutes to think of this answer.....

Suddenly the paper beneath him was starting to get clouded over by....tears. He couldn't focus, now with Norman asking the same question over and over again; each time it got more aggressive. Otto on the other hand tried to calm him down, muttering things to him that Harry couldn't make out.

"Harry. Come on. What is 5 x 4."

"Son. This isn't that hard. What is....5 x 4."

"I-i don't....I don't know—"

"Harry." His tone changed.

"5 x 4. Really think about it son. 5 x 4."


"No— Harry......" He took a deep breath.

"Alright alright. That's enough. Harry go get ready for bed, we'll continue this tomorrow." Otto said getting up and taking the paper away from him, wiping off the little bits of tears that landed on it. He looked over to his....friend....and crossed his arms.

"That means you too Norman. I'm taking my leave." He said and waited for Norman to get up. Norman patted Harry's head and gave him a small smile, not quite disappointed but close to it. Harry watched his father leave the room, he then looked to Otto.

"Your lucky it's not a school day tomorrow." He sighed, "Go to bed Harry, I'll let myself out."

Wasn't that a stressful night....

(Doctor Otto Octavius x Norman Osborn)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant