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Otto let out a breath as he put down the heavy box of items. He looked around the bare home and smiled softly to himself. "Where do you want this?" The moving man asked, holding a heavy box of his own.

Otto pointed to the kitchen counter "Right there is fine," the man nodded and put it down, not seeming to care about if there was my glass inside of it. Otto was happy to say there wasn't any.

Otto looked at his watch, starting to get nervous. Norman was supposed to be here soon, at least in half an hour. Everything had to be perfect, it had to be clean and the boxes had to at least be neat looking.

The octopus man couldn't help but smile widely to himself and think of all the things him and his lover would do in this new house. He wondered if they would cuddle on the new couch and listen to music, maybe lay down on their plain mattress in the bedroom. Every possible thing that could happen was exciting to think about.

"Everything's out of the trunk. We'll get the rest tomorrow sir." Another worker said gaining his attention. Otto nodded and signed some papers, giving the workers 20 dollars each for their hard work. They seemed happy enough with it.

"Oh and, I think your husband is outside." They said shoving the money in their pocket. Otto's heart started to race, looking outside tbe big living room window, sure enough there was Norman in all his glory. Otto took a breath and waved excitingly from inside, Norman seemed to laugh a little and wave back.

"I'm sorry I'm late Otto," Norman walked into the new home, taking a whiff of the new smell. Otto shook his head and went over, resting his hands on Normans waist. "You're not late Norman," Norman smiled and nodded.

"Isn't it lovely? You should come see the bedroom." Norman laughed and put his hands on Otto's. "Honey I've seen the house before, I know what the bedroom looks like." The other man blushed from slight embarrassment, putting his head on Normans boney shoulder.

"Right...." He muttered. They stood in silence for a minute before Norman pulled away from the others grasp. "Show me the bedroom! They put in the mattress already right?" He asked smiling widely. Otto smiled and nodded, "I made sure of it."

"Good. But uhm....I'm not sure if we should be sleeping on the floor Otto." He chuckled, Otto hummed and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the bedroom. Norman followed, giving his husband a loving look.

Otto showed Norman the bedroom, which honestly wasn't as exciting as they made it out to be. The mattress was just laying there in the middle of the room, the only other thing in there was a small table that Otto brought from his own house. But none the less, the two older men found it so exciting that they didn't bother to worry about unpacking to fill the space.

Otto flopped down on the mattress, waiting for Norman to join him. "Otto, honey, I'm not 20." Norman laughed gently getting onto the mattress. "I'm surprised you can even do that," Otto glared at him and crossed his arms "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked. Norman smirked and shook his head "It's nothing." He snickered to himself.

"Are you enjoying the house so far?" Norman asked trying to change the subject. Otto smiled and nodded, laying his head all the way down. "I feel like a teenager again, I haven't had this much energy since I was with Rosie." He sighed happily.

Norman smiled and nodded. "I know how you feel," he looked up to the celling. Closing his eyes for a brief moment. Otto looked over and smirked, leaning over to Normans ear. "Norman....guess what." Norman shivered and hummed "what?"

Otto softly laughed. "I bought you donuts." Normans eyes shot open, looking over to Otto. He stares at him for a good moment before getting up so quickly that be basically forgot he was an old man. His husband laughed as Norman ran to the new kitchen in search of said donuts.

This is definitely going to be fun.

(Doctor Otto Octavius x Norman Osborn)Where stories live. Discover now