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Highschool AU because I can't get enough of them.
- Otto finds Normans diary.
- Thank for you the suggestion! :)

The two friends spent a large amount of their time in each other's rooms, now now, don't think dirty. They were highschool-ers, who were to awkward to even kiss each other's cheek, so the idea of being together in that way was not going to happen- anyways...

Otto spent more time at Normans house, he said it was because of Normans mom and how nice she was, but he knew it was because Normans room was one of a kind. The kind of room were they could finish homework and then crash out on Normans navy blue blankets.

There was one thing in said boys room that Otto desperately wanting to see inside. And that was an old looking chest, one that Norman swore just 'showed up' one day when he was little, and he took a liking to it. It was a wooden one, but it had been sanded down so Norman wouldn't get his hands covered with sprinters.

The smaller boy would always tell Otto that there was nothing interesting in the chest, just old magazines, old coloring books and maybe a few pages of homework inside. But that didn't stop the curiosity. Otto needed to see for himself, because why would Norman be so possessive over a chest with nothing unusual inside.

So one day, while Norman was down the hall talking to his parents about going to the movies after school, Otto took it upon himself to sneak over and open the chest. He quickly looked around for any signs of his best friend coming back before shoving his hand inside to grab something.

Norman was telling the truth- for the most part. There were coloring books and some old looking school work, but another thing caught his eye. It was a small note book, it looked new to be honest and it had a chewed on number 2 pencil attached to it.

Otto quickly grabbed it and went to open it. Expecting to find some old poems that Norman wrote, maybe some cringe worthy drawing. But nothing of the sort, it seemed to be a diary. Otto hadn't seen a boy with one of them before, usually he would here of girls having them.

But then again nothing about Norman screamed 'normal'. There was basic things inside, just talking about the day and things that he wished he could've gotten done, but there was another side to it, on one said it seemed normal, on the other it was packed full of.... interesting thoughts of boys.

Normal....that's fine. If it wasn't all about a certain boy, who seemed to be reading the diary. It wasn't creepy writing about him, it was more of a 'why do I like my best friend' type of writing.

Otto felt flattered that Norman would ever think of him in that way, although it was a bit confusing when Norman threw in some random girls and boys at their school into the mix. Do you like me or not...? But all the same, it made Otto's heart flutter.

"Good new Otto! My parents said-" Norman stopped at his doorway, staring at the boy in front of him. Otto stared back, awkwardly trying to hide the fact that he just invaded his privacy. "W-wha." Normans fight or flight seemed to kick in.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled, almost leaping forward to grab the book. In which he succeeded. Otto stared at Norman, who was being it so hard against his chest that he sworn the book was going to become apart of him.

"I-im sorry Norman, I was just....uh.... curious..?" It was more of a question, which did not help his case. Norman stayed quiet, watching the others every move. "Look....uhm....I, feel the same." He muttered the last part. Normans eyes widened, "What?"

Otto took a breath and looked at the other boy right in the eyes, "I like you too...." Norman took a minute to fully process what the other was saying, when he got it, he blushed dark red.

"Yeah....well....thank you...." Norman muttered slowly pulling the book away from his chest. Otto laughed a little and looked away, the two of them just sitting in silence. "Does that mean... we're together?" Norman hummed, guessing that was the right answer to it.

They both continued to sit in that silence, confused and flustered, until Norman got up and stood his ground, "Yes....uhm....well if you want to. B-but you should go now.... because.....I don't know..." Otto nodded and got up off of the floor.

"Uhm...." He awkwardly touched Normans cheek, unsure if it was the right time to give him a kiss on the cheek. Norman looked away and excepted the small kiss. Otto smiled softly and left the room, mentally beating himself for how awkward he was.

"Norman? Why are you so red." Normans father muttered, looking up from his book. Norman quickly shook his head "no reason!" He yelled and ran back to his room. "Don't run in the house!" His father yelled, but other than that nothing.

The two boys continued to be very awkward around each other for a while, only giving each other small kisses on the cheek maybe once a week. It was awkward, but it was young love.

(Doctor Otto Octavius x Norman Osborn)Where stories live. Discover now