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Norman was a business man, obviously, so it was normal for him to be dressed as if he was going on a very expensive date

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Norman was a business man, obviously, so it was normal for him to be dressed as if he was going on a very expensive date. He went to work everyday, expecting for someone to throw a small flirt at him while having a meeting, maybe having an exchange of numbers.

But of course it all changed when Norman became romantically involved with Otto. Otto happened to be one of those one time flirts in the office, so he was well aware of what Norman would experience in the work place (most often by women).

Otto Octavius would never label himself as possessive over a partner. He was never that way with Rosie, and he loved her more than the moon and stars. But he was however a man who became easily jealous. Norman, the man of oblivion, couldn't see why it was a big deal.


Norman, they're all over you like dogs." Otto mumbled taking a drink of his coffee. Norman straightened out his tie and crossed his arms. "Im not going to cheat on you Otto. I don't see why you worry so much over one women." Otto rolled his eyes and stood up from the kitchen bar stool.

He went over and wrapped his arms around the others waist. "Its not just one women Norman. Ive seen just how many people find you insanely hot." Norman sighed and kissed Otto's cheek reassuringly. "Honey, ill be fine. Its not like they'll pounce on me," he shrugged and moved Ottos arms off of him.

Otto hummed and crossed his arms. "Sure they wont. I did." he had a small amount of blush from saying it, not used to being so open. Norman smirked and grabbed his suit jacket. "If-god forbid- they pounce me, then ill call you. Hmm?"

Otto glared at him before nodding slowly. "You better Norman." he muttered, receiving a soft kiss on the lips from his husband.


Normans work day was about as normal as possible. Paper work to the max, meetings left and right, random ladies coming to visit him at his desk. But Norman wouldn't call it weird, he wouldn't call Otto over it (seeing as no women were pouncing on him). Everything was going great.

"Mr Osborn?" Ah yes, Jane -----. She was one of the women 'stalking' Norman. She must have offered him her damn phone number 10 million times. "Yes Jane?" he asked not taking his eyes from the computer screen.

She smiled and walced over, well it was a pathetic attempt at it but whatever. "I was wondering, what are you doing after work today?" she asked. Norman thought for a minute, thinking of a mental image of Otto.

"Im having dinner with someone," Her eyes widened for a split second before going back to their shape. "Oh! That's nice." it was awkward now. "Its that women from down stairs huh? Ive seen you two talking." Now she sounded like an old friend, it was somewhat creepy how fast her reactions changed.

"It is not, but its also none of your business." Norman muttered under his breath, though she could still hear it. She hummed and slowly started to sit on the desk next to him, "If its not her, than surely you can miss it right?" Norman sighed and looked over at her.

"Im not going to dinner with you Jane. You're lovely but im not-" Norman stopped when another voice came into the conversation. "Interested. He's not interested." the two of them looked over to see a man dressed in black. Otto Octavius. Normans hero.

Jane was about to ask who this random man was, and potentially just move on to flirt with him, but he stopped her yet again. "Come on Norman, let's go to dinner. And no, you, Jane, are not invited." Otto's sassy-ness made Norman laugh. "Don't go flirting with him anymore." He glared at her.

Jane simply nodded and watched as Otto took his lover by the arm and left out the door. She sighed "Another one bites the dust."

(Doctor Otto Octavius x Norman Osborn)Where stories live. Discover now