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(part 2 of remembering)
(This is short cuz I writers block lmao)

It had been about a week since Norman was 'informed' about his life in another world, and it had been a hard one. Everyday it made Norman question a million things in his existence, up to his very life story. Otto helped him through it, promising every word he said was true.

Otto seemed to care to much about Norman, asking him about things that only he thought, he knew about. About the 'voice' in his head that was there and one point and was gone the next. He seemed to know so many things, that it freaked Norman out for a while.

It had to have taken Otto 5 million times of explaining, for Norman to understand. What Norman asked the most about was Peter, asking so many questions on how in the world a teenager like him was so strong, and how there were plenty of different versions of him.

There were not so pretty times as well, mixed into the confusion was a lot of break downs. Norman had a big problem with trying to remember and that started to frequently frustrate him.

"Honey-" Norman stopped him, he couldn't get used to that 'pet' name. Otto sighed and continued on "It'll all come back with time, I promise." He tried to be as careful as possible with his words, treating Norman like a bomb.

"I don't understand Otto! Why is this happening to me? A-am I losing my memory? All this stuff your telling me- i-it can't be real." The scientist in Normans mind wanted to believe so badly that this was real, the possibility of other worlds and such.

Otto gently put an arm around Norman, carefully pulling him into his arms. Norman didn't even try to pull away. One thing he did know, was that Otto did feel so warm and loving, he didn't really understand why he felt this way (other than what Otto had claimed) but it felt nice.

Otto patted Normans back and kissed the top of his head. "I love you Norman," the other hummed, not responding. He couldn't. Not yet.

(Doctor Otto Octavius x Norman Osborn)Where stories live. Discover now