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( part 2 to last chapter!, Little bit of angst but over all has a happy ending)

Things started to change around the house. It seemed like everyone was starting to settle down nicely with each other, couldn't say the same for Otto and Harry but Norman was doing great. Bernard had been settling nice to having someone new in the house, even to go as far as starting to work for Otto as well.

Now back to the main point. Otto and Harry still bickered constantly, it wasn't to the point of yelling anymore (thank god) but there was still pointless jabs going on. Once again Norman tried to talk to them about it, individually this time, but nothing seemed to work.

It was only now that they started to get close. When Harry come home with a sad and angry expression on his face, that Otto decided to step up and be the step parent he needed to be. Norman wasn't home, Bernard was busy, so it was up to Otto to 'save' the day.

Softly knocking on Harry's bedroom door he was greeted with a look or pure rage, but inside that rage was sadness beyond belief. "What do you want." Harry muttered wiping away some stray tears. Otto frowned and gently pushed the door open, so he could step in.

Harry tried to push back, but ended up letting the bigger man into the room. Otto made himself promise not to mention the messy room, with clothes scattered all over one side of the room. Now wasn't the time for bickering again.

"Talk to me Harry." Otto said, as gently as he could to someone whom he had been fighting with. Harry crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, offering no sign of opening up even a small bit. Otto sighed and sat down on the bed, patting a seat next to him.

Harry took a minute, thinking hard if this was something he wanted to do. He sat down and looked down to his feet, waiting for a possible fight to brew. "Harry, I'm listening. I promise no fighting or bickering." Otto said gently.

Harry sniffled and shook his head, bringing his hands to his head. "I'm so stupid." He muttered, his voice quivering. Otto shook his head and tried to put a hand on the others back, but the other flinched and shoved him off. "Why does Mary Jane love Peter so much." He muttered "I-i always loved her first!"

Otto knew this pain well. He would never admit it to anyone, but he had a friend who loved Rosie more than anything back in the day. The feeling of pain when they became so close instead of him and Rosie becoming close was awful.

Harry started to laugh, a painfulled one at that. "Why am I even telling you. You don't care." Otto's face became stern, he placed a hand on the boys shoulder and made him look at him. "I care Harry. And even though we have our differences that doesn't mean that I won't listen to you." He wanted to make that clear. And he did.

Harry looked into those big brown eyes of Otto. Thinking every rage filled emotion in his mind, his gut. Then fell forward, wrapping his arms around the pillow like man for comfort. Otto was shocking for a moment, but hugged him back regardless.

Harry didn't say a word, possibly to embarrassed to. Nether did Otto. Not a word was spoken in the 2 minutes that they hugged each other, but they didn't need words in this moment. It was as if something was lifted from their once horrible relationship, a part of them now knowing that even if they hated each other, they still had each other.

Harry pulled away quickly. Getting up from the bed and crossing his arms. "That never happened." He muttered, that tone of anger coming back. Otto nodded, getting up as well. "Get out." Harry said opening the door and waiting for the other to leave.

Otto didn't say a word, leaving out the door. The shared eye contact for a brief moment before Harry slammed the door shut and locked it. Their relationship definitely still needed fixing, but this was a start. A very big one.

"Fighting again?" Normans voice came from the hallway, Otto hummed and nodded. "He's a nasty one. He knows how to get under my skin" He said and went down the stairs, hoping none of this was heard by Harry (thought it wasn't completely true)  Norman sighed and looked at his sons door, shaking his head softly before following his husband. "It'll work our eventually." Norman said holding Otto's hand.

Otto nodded "I know." It already is.

(Doctor Otto Octavius x Norman Osborn)Where stories live. Discover now