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"Time is of the essence, my dear." Otto said rasing his wine glass in the air. Norman smiled and followed his action, rasing his own glass. They clanked the glasses together and took drinks. Norman set his glass down and sighed, looking over to the window next to them. "I miss...when I was younger." He mumbled, laughing at himself for how stupid he sounded.

Otto laughed along with him, but not in mean spirit. "Me too, Norman. These bones ache more and more everyday." He said stretching to make a point. Norman chuckled and poured some more wine into his glass. Offering it to Otto.

They both stared out into the night sky, both in comfortable silence. Otto soon finished his glass and set it down, having no room for another one. Otto looked to the older man, taking in his features. "Stop staring, you weirdo." Norman scoffed a laugh, looking at Otto through the corner of his eye.

"Do you want to get married?" Otto asked, out of the blue. Norman stopped taking his drink, he put the glass down and thought for a minute. A minute to long for Otto's taste. "We're old, Norman. I wouldn't be at all surprised if we died tomorrow." A grim thing to think about, but it was true.

Norman rubbed his chin. He looked over to Otto and hummed softly, nodding his head. "Would you truly want to? Get married to each other?" He asked, now turning fully to the bigger man. Otto nodded and looked down to his hands, more specifically his wedding ring finger.

He never thought of having another ring, but the one for him and Rosalie. "Would you, Norman? Want to be married again?" He asked closing his hand into a fist, then looking up at Norman. Norman sighed and tapped his fingers on the table, resisting the urge to look at his own wedding ring finger.

"I want to, but my last marriage makes me want to say no." He said looking into Otto's eyes. It was true, even though it was happy for a while, then it fell apart. Not to say that would happen again, but who's to say it wouldn't. Otto nodded, understanding what Norman was thinking.

"I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I still keep Rosie's ring with me, along with my own." Otto said playing with his gold wedding ring, he never even considered taking it off before. "How about this. How about we agree to be together, but not to be married." Norman (proposed).

Otto nodded. "We don't need marriage anyways, right?–" Norman continued, "I'm to old for another bachelor's party. Let alone a wedding." Otto laughed a little and nodded, silently agreeing. Norman laughed, hiding his smile with his hand. "Oh God. Harry would lose his mind if I were to get married again. He has a hard enough time accepting this." He huffed a laugh.

Otto laughed along. Thinking of how Harry would react, surly there would be more fights then, then there happened to be now.

"Lets just stick to the way we are now, huh?" Otto yawned, Norman nodded.

(Doctor Otto Octavius x Norman Osborn)Where stories live. Discover now