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Life had been hard since Otto and Norman were sent back to their original times. They had to adjust to so many things that it became such a chore to live. They had to live up to the times, and now everything was changing so unbelievably fast. They both were afraid they would some how forget about each other during the confusion, and they did.

One night Norman was trying his best to remember a distanced memory. He tried asking Barnard about it but he had no way of knowing or helping. Then he remembered little by little some things. It stared off with dreams of being in another world, which he thought was silly at first but continued to have them.

Then came dreams about Octavius. Norman knew him, he remembered seeing him during a meeting at Oscorp once upon a time. But why would he be having dreams about him? It was all so weird.

When he happened to run into Octavius, it was as if some sort of feeling came rushing back to him, as if it was long forgotten and remembered now. The other man seemed to get the same feel, but was a tab bit more open with it.

"Norman? Do you remember me?" He asked. The older man simply nodded awkwardly. "Yes, I do. We work together." he said as if this was information that everyone.

The other man stopped and rolled his eyes. "No, uhm, we are more than work partners." he explained. Norman wanted nothing more then to get our of this awkward conversation with someone who claimed they knew each other in 'that' way.

"Please, let me take you to lunch to further explain." Norman wanted to decline, fearing the worst to come from going to lunch with his 'psychopath' but he decided it would be best so he could get it out of the way.

"Alright, so let me explain." Otto said putting his hands on the table. Norman hummed and waited for him to continue, in the mean time taking a drink of his wine. Otto sighed "Norman, do you remember anything about being another world?"

Norman just about choked on his wine, holding his mouth for a minute before slowly nodding. "Dreams anyway-" he coughed "what does that have anything to do with you, or rather 'us'?" Otto cleared his throat.

"During our time in that universe, we grew close-" Otto said, struggling big time to get the right words out. Norman scoffed a laugh "You're meaning to tell me that, you, and i, were in another universe and we were a couple...?"

Otto nodded. It scared Norman how stern the others face was, showing there was little to no joke in this conversation. Norman was starting to grow uncomfortable, and a little afraid. "You're insane." He muttered.

Otto sighed and tried to grab Normans hand, which was pulled away as soon as Norman saw his hand coming forward. "Tell me Norman, you don't feel anything for me? Not even in the back of your mind?"

Norman didn't want to think about it, after all it felt like he was being interrogated. But he had to admit (to himself more than anyone) that he did start to 'remember' some sort of feelings for the other.

Otto took the silence of Norman thinking as the answer. "Ill im asking for, is for us to hang out more. That way you can remember more." Norman swore that he heard sadness in Otto's voice, such a deep sadness.

"Im not doing anything with you." Norman said glaring at him. Otto softly laughed and shook his head, "nothing like that." he said, hiding his embarrassed blush.

This was going to be interesting.

(Yall ill make another part later, but yeah here ya go. The title of this is gonna be remembering, just so you can find the other part incase i post chapters before that.)

(Doctor Otto Octavius x Norman Osborn)Where stories live. Discover now