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Again with the Rosalie x Otto x Norman things, yet it's angst ;) (mostly Rosie and Norman in this tbh)

Being in a three way relationship was very stressful for everyone involved, especially because they had never once done it before, or even thought of it before. Norman was having the worst time, letting his jealous thoughts get in the way of loving his partners.

In his mind (well more like the goblins mind) he should be with Otto more of the time than Rosalie should, but then again Rosie had been with Otto longer than Norman had. Rosie was pretty passive concerning Norman wanting to spend so much time with her husband, but she also had the share of jealousy.

Otto loved them both, but his mind was made of being with Rosie longer, there for still being attached to her more than the other. This led to some fights, with all of them. Norman believed he deserved one night alone with Otto, Rosie believed that, that was perfectly fine but she should be able to have the same. Otto was in the middle, unable to make a proper decision.

"Otto please, would you tell Norman that I am allowed to have just as much time with you as him.?" Rosalie said crossing her arms, her once soft voice was starting to strain from the fighting. Norman scoffed "You've been with him longer! I deserve to be with him just as much!" This wasn't completely his thoughts, passive Norman Osborn would never yell at a women this way.

Rosie looked a little offended. Otto shook his head and grabbed onto Normans arms, holding him in place so that he could look at him. "Norman Rosie is my wife, she's been with me longer. We're still trying to get used to having a 3rd person around." Even Rosie knew he worded it wrong. Norman looked embarrassed with jealously.

He shoved Otto off of him and shoved passed Rosie. Out the door he went. Otto sighed and looked at his wife, who seemed to be glaring at him. "You need to choose your words more carefully Otto." She muttered following after her partner.

Norman sat outside on the curb. Looking down at his feet, thinking of all the possible things to think at a moment like that. He quickly turned around when he heard Rosie's heels on the concrete behind him. She bent down and softly sat next to him.

She gave him a sad frown and wiped a peice of hair out of his face. "Forgive me Norman." She mumbled now rubbing his cheek. Norman looked away, not saying a word. "This is still so new to me, to us. I don't want you to think I don't want you with us," her voice turned back to it's natural caring tone.

Norman sniffled and gently leaned into her touch, Rosie smiled softly and pulled his head to her chest. "And now here is my secret, take care of your heart, make room for love and kindness, be meek and gentle, some flowers are meant to bloom later." Norman smiled softly and softly laughed.

Rosalie chuckled softly alone with him, "I might not love you like Otto does, Norman, but I care for you more than you think I do." She said leaning down to kiss his forehead. Norman nodded and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tightly.

"Thank you, Rosalie." He mumbled lifting his head up, she smiled at him and nodded "It's my pleasure Norman." They smiled at each other for a bit before getting up and deciding to go to bed. Hand in hand they talked to Otto about the relationship and what they figured would be best, Otto was just glad the two came to an agreement.

(Doctor Otto Octavius x Norman Osborn)Where stories live. Discover now