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( decided to try to add some of the old chapters from my old book! Enjoy! )





: What if Peter wasn't stopped? Would he have killed The Green Goblin, and Norman? How would Octavius react?

: Inspired by fan art I saw on Tumblr

"Peter no!" Octavius yelled running forward despite his injuries. Nothing mattered in those moments, nothing mattered but the fact that he man looking Peter in the face was the man who killed Aunt May. Nothing. The other Peters ran forward to him, Peter 2 trying to stop him before it was to late, but it was, to late.

Peter swung the heavy board with spikes into the Green Goblins chest, watching his surprised expression, battling with his mind wether or not to be happy for the moment or cry. Once realizing what he had done, he pulled the board out, dropping it to the side of him.

The once laughing man looked confused and....scared. Just like he was before. Peters eyes widened as he looked at the man, who was now touching his wounds tenderly, he looked up and started to weep "W-why..." Not a why did you stab me, but as if he didn't know where he was, and why he was there.

Peter 3 ran to the man and held him close, "Peter?" Normans voice quivered as he held his eyes onto the sonewhat familiar face. Peter 3 nodded and looked at the wound, knowing there was no way to stop the bleeding now. Peter 1 quickly ran to his side as well, "I-i am so sorry! I-i just-" no amount of apologizing would help the situation.

Norman reached out a gentle hand "I forgive you Peter." He muttered as he started to close his eyes. "Help...the rest....of em." He said and looked to his own Peter Parker. Peter 2 nodded, letting him know that it was alright to rest.

Being so caught up in the moment of death, they forgot about Octavius. They were all caught off guard when they felt themselves being lifted up and throw to the side by his mechanical arms. "Otto-" Peter 3 said lifting his head. Octavius ran to Norman and picked him up gently, holding him protectively.

He raised his machinal arms and wrapped them around himself and the dead man he held. Almost like he was protecting his child or loved one. Norman was a loved one. "Please Otto. H-he didn't mean it." Octavius scoffed pure anger in his brown eyes. "This isn't something you can just take back." He muttered and looked down at the man. "Norman...Im so sorry." He gently wiped his face from blood.

Suddenly the arms sprung from their hold and went to the 3 Peters standing there, knocking them over and holding them up. The arms squeezed their bodies tightly, Peter 3 grunted and tried to use his web to grab Octavius, but failed when the arm crushed him tighter.

Octavius looked at Normans cold and bloody face, he laid his head on the man's chest and sniffled his tears back. "Oh Norman." He mumbled caressing his hair softly. "I love you."

(Doctor Otto Octavius x Norman Osborn)Where stories live. Discover now