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Prompt Found On Tumblr - Person A finds a crying child on the ice rink who has lost their parent. A helps them look for their parent until they see a very distraught Person B, looking around in panic


It wasn't everyday that Norman was able to get off of work long enough to do something with his son Harry. And now that it was the winter time, Harry had a million things his little 8 year old brain wanted to do.

But one of the things that's stood out to Norman, was ice skating. He didn't even know that Harry liked the idea of ice skating, and was surprised to find out that Harry had gone skating once before with Peter Parker. Though, apparently he didn't even skate that long.

And so that's where they are right now, at the large skating rink. There were many kids there on the ice, pushing each other and helping their parents glide along the ice. Norman felt a little silly that he was going to become one of those parents in about a minute.

"Harry, put on your skates." Norman said dropping his son's hand. Harry nodded and dropped down to the ground, pulling his skates out of his backpack. "Are you going to skate too dad?" He asked.

Norman nodded and bent down to tie the skates tighter. He got up and looked around for the skate booth, "You go start skating Harry, I'll be there in a minute." He said and zipped up his son's jacket.

Harry nodded and carefully went over to the ice, holding on the a short bar as he slide onto the ice. Norman went over to the small booth that was giving 10 dollar skates, he asked for a pair and quickly paid for them.


Harry skated around for a good minute before starting to get nervous, he kept falling and some kids were starting to laugh at him. Harry wasn't an emotional kid, but he did have anxiety when it came to not being close to his dad.

So as an 8 year old would do, he started to cry. At first it was quiet, then he started to let full tears out of his eyes. "Dad!" He called, but it seemed that Norman wasn't anywhere in sight.

There seemed to be more and more people showing up now, not allowing Harry's voice to get through for his father to find. No one seemed to pay mind to him, either not caring, or didn't want to seem creepy when trying to help.

But luckily someone took the chance to help. "What's wrong?" A man asked softly, Harry sniffled and looked up at the man, who looked like he was a million times bigger than him. "I-i can't find my dad." He said trying to hold back his tears.

The man frowned and bent down, "what does he look like?" Harry wiped his eyes and started to explain the best he could on how Norman looked. The man didn't really understand, so he just asked for Harry to hold his hand and look around for him.


Norman looked around frantically, Harry was nowhere to be seen. He assumed the worst, seeing as there were now what seemed like a million people there now. Harry could have been kidnapped!

"Excuse me! Have you seen a boy, about this tall, had light brown hair? Wearing a blue puffy jacket?" Norman asked a few people, they all shook their head and offered to look out for his son, but he knew that they wouldn't.

It seemed hopeless now, Norman had been looking for only a couple minutes but it felt like hours. "Dad!" the sweet voice of his boy, Norman just about flopped to the floor in happiness that Harry was safe.

Yet he almost had a heart attack at the same time, seeing the man following Harry. "Hello, i found him alone on the rink." the man said softly. Norman didn't have time to ask questions, just to hug his son and thank the man.

"Im Otto by the way, im glad i could help." he said and smiled at the boy. Harry smiled back and quickly turned to cuddle his head back his Normans chest. "Thank you so much Otto. P-please, allow me to give you something- i have money for hot chocolate-" he said digging through his pocket.

Otto shook his head "No, no. Its alright." he said and patted his shoulder awkwardly "Im just glad to help." he said and bent down to pat Harrys head. "You be careful alright? Don't go to far from your father." Safe to say that Harry nodded, intending to do just that.

(Doctor Otto Octavius x Norman Osborn)Where stories live. Discover now