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Prompt from Tumblr : B hears A struggling with their loud and restless class and goes over to tease about how they can't keep their kids together, but they stop when they clearly see A near to tears and decide to try and help get the kids focused.

Teacher AU I guess, Otto is a mechanics teacher, Norman is a science teacher (guess why lmao)

Otto had to stop his teaching a total of 4 times in just a little amount of time, and it was really starting to bother him. It was clear that the science/biology class next to him was having some problems. "Excuse me students, talk among yourselves. I'll be right back."

He walked out of the class room and to the other one, hearing the amount of talking made him laugh, this science teacher must be a hoot. He knocked on the door, though it was muffled by the talking of the students.

He walked in, prepared to make fun of this teacher and tell them to be quiet, but he stopped. No one seemed to noticed he walked in, and the teacher, who Otto remember as Norman Osborn from a conference meeting, was close tears.

That's when Otto decided enough as enough, this teacher was clearly overwhelmed. Normally the other teachers would just laugh at him, saying that he should have expected it, but Otto wasn't like that. "Hey!" The students looking over to him, shocked that there was someone else was there.

Mr Osborn looked at him, "Mr Octavius, i-im so sorry about my class." He got up from his desk. Otto shook his head "No need. It's not you who should be apologizing." He looked to the class, crossing his arms in disappointment. "It's them who should be. I have most of you kids in my class, and I have never seen you act like this." It was straight out of a nightmare, they looked at him bug eyed.

"I know Mr Osborn is new here, he might not know a lot about taking care of kids but that doesn't mean you shouldn't give him respect." Norman felt embarrassed the he needed someone else to come and tell his students what to do. "I expect more from you all, get to work." His stern voice made most of them immediately do what he asked. Some of them were still processing what they had been told.

Otto sighed and looked to Norman. "Continue teaching Mr Osborn, I'm sorry for how they're acting." Norman nodded, silently thanking his 'hero' of his for saving the day. "After your class, lets go to lunch hm? You definitely need a break." Norman nodded happily, "Yes that would be nice, thank you." Otto nodded and gave the students one last look before leaving the room.

Norman felt a little bit more powerful after that, now gaining the strength to tell them to be quiet and do their work. "I expect all of you to do extra credit." He said smirking, finally some peace and quiet.

(Doctor Otto Octavius x Norman Osborn)Where stories live. Discover now