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Another chapter will be the second part of this 😉

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Another chapter will be the second part of this 😉

Every couple in the universe had their moments of hatred for each other, the moment where it seemed that the two of them (maybe more) decided to fight about the most random and useless things. Norman and Otto were no exception to this.

Now, at 7:46 pm, Otto was listening to his parted yell about something. He wasn't even completely sure what it was about, seeing as he wasn't listening. Normans voice was starting to get tired and he could tell that Otto wasn't listening.

"You're not even listening!" He said started to get more frustrated. Otto sighed and lowered his head into his hands, "Your yelling for nothing honey," Norman scoffed "For nothing?! Why are you doing this to me! You never listen to me."

"I am listening to you Norman! But your rambling on so much that I don't know what your even talking about!" Otto was getting frustrated as well. Norman threw a book off of the table, needing to get his anger out on something. "You're acting irrational Norman."

"I am not acting irrational! You just don't care! You never care about what I think or say!"

It was a normal conversation to have who fighting, to be honest they seemed to have had that conversation a million times. "Norman I listen to you all day, about everything. All I'm saying is that your yelling about something so useless, and your acting as if it's my fault!" It hurt to be so blunt.

Norman had a look of shock, before getting over himself and scoffing. Taking off up the stairs. Also something that happens. Otto sighed and rubbed his face, wondering if he should just leave Norman alone until they were ready to have a full on talk.


After about an hour, Otto had cleaned up everything that needed to be cleaned, and he headed upstairs. Ready for whatever conversation they were eventually going to have. He softly knocked on their bedroom door, wasting no time to just head in.

Norman was laying down in the bed, his back to Otto. "Norman." Otto tried to make his voice as soft as possible, trying not to scare him or trigger him again. Norman just slightly turned, his face had a look of regret. "I'm sorry about yelling Otto." He muttered.

Otto smiled softly and laid down beside him, putting a hand on his cheek. "It's okay dear." Norman shifted over and rested his head on Otto's chest. "I don't even remember what I was angry about." He laughed softly. Otto chuckled and laid a kiss on the others head. "I dont either."

The both of them were happy that their stupid little fights only lasted about an hour, and that they could just cuddle up to each other at the end of the day.

(Doctor Otto Octavius x Norman Osborn)Where stories live. Discover now