62. It'll all end here.

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This chapter might be a little too long but that's the least I could do to make up for the slow updates.
Thanks for being here.

Waking up cuddled into Lucian was unusual but comforting. The relaxed look on his face was something Amira had never seen and she found herself admiring the sight.

Lucian had decided to hold her while she slept. He didn't care about permission to cuddle with her because he couldn't, for the sake of his life, part himself from her after everything that happened. He could deal with an angry Bunny in the morning but he couldn't get himself to let her out of his arms.

That's why, Amira woke up tucked tightly into his chest while his calm heartbeat rang in her ears, sending waves of comfort and safety wash over her.

She had pulled away slightly to look at his face, which was relaxed completely. His hair fell over his forehead and a few strands managed to reach his eyes. Amira blinked sleepily, before the silence lulled her to sleep again. Her eyes closed on their own accord and she found herself curling back into the embrace.

Little did she know about the times Lucian had woken up with a terror. He had had nightmares that were scary enough to wake him up abruptly, making him think someone had snatched her away from him.

Ripped him of the happiness he had finally found. Of the love that was capable of clearing out the walls around his heart and for his heart to take action.

That was also the reason of the tight hold he kept on her, even while sleeping.

About an hour later, Lucian stirred awake, without a terror this time. His eyes immediately fell down to his sister, who was sleeping peacefully, much to his relief. He leaned down to place a kiss on her head and sighed against her head.

He pulled away slowly but froze when her eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly. His eyes fell on Bunny Junior sitting on his nightstand. It had been there since the twins broke the bedtime rule. Amira had yet to notice it there.

He reached out with his free hand and grabbed the toy. Pushing it towards his sleeping sister gently, he waited for her to notice its presence.

Amira was quick to notice Bunny Junior as a second later, her hands moved to clutch the bunny and tuck it into her neck.

Lucian breathed a sigh of relief and moved away before she remembered his presence again. Swinging his feet down, he got up. He tried to be as quiet as he could as he tiptoed to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

"I don't want to live here."

Lucian's eyebrows furrowed as he turned to face the source of the voice. One look at Josiah and he knew something was extremely wrong.

He put his laptop aside and uncrossed his legs. Josiah stood near the coffee table while Lucian sat on the couch studying him closely. He patted the couch for Josiah to take a seat beside him. The teenager took hesitant steps but managed to reach there.

As soon as he was sitting beside him, Lucian asked.
"What's wrong?"

The younger boy stared at the coffee table, refusing to look at Lucian.

There was so much that was wrong, so much that was bothering him and so much he wanted to tell his brother. But there was something that kept telling him not to be a bother.

"I don't feel good here anymore," he stated, refusing to get into details yet.

Lucian's lips pressed into a thin line as he watched his younger brother clench and unclench his jaw. The visible moisture in Josiah's eyes, made a pit settle in Lucian's stomach.

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