55. Arguments

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"What an adorable annoying little-" Damien stopped abruptly when I punched his bicep.

"Hey! I said adorable!" He exclaimed, grabbing his shoulder. I rolled my eyes at this old man's antics. There's no way my punch hurt this man having a lifetime supply of scary scowls.

"You said annoying and little too," I said. He rolled his eyes in response.

I squeaked when he picked me up suddenly. I pushed at his shoulders to look at his face, only to scowl when I found an annoying smug smile on his face. My feet hung in the air as his smug smile widened, mocking my shorter self.

"You look adorable, Bunny," he said. He moved his face forward and placed a kiss on my cheek. Surprisingly, the smug smile from before had been replaced by a little smile that seemed more genuine.

I looked down quickly when the compliment registered in my mind after some seconds. It doesn't look that adorable.

"Thanks," I muttered, resisting the urge to wipe the kiss just to get on his nerves.

When there was silence, I looked up to see the gentlest expressions on the face that always held scowls.

I furrowed my eyebrows but he just shook his head and put me down gently.

Giving him one last look of confusion, I turned to Lucian, who was watching the theatrics the whole time. Embarrassing.

"Back by six," Lucian reminded. I nodded while Damien rolled his eyes. Lucian noticed that and turned to him completely.

I shrunk a little and stepped away from Damien, who was currently taking his time to keep calm and prepare himself for the scary experience.

"Want to try that again, Dex?" Lucian challenged. I shuddered and took another step away.

He's so scary.

"We'll be back by six." Damien nodded his head slowly. I shook my head and scowled. Why did he even have to poke the bear if he wasn't going to fight?

"Hm." Lucian turned to me with the same expressions.

I nodded my head quickly.
"Yes Lucian. We'll be back by six," I rushed out before he could start scolding me.

He blinked and all the expressions dropped from his face. His eyes twinkled and he looked to be holding back a chuckle.

"I wasn't going to scold you," He stated and moved forward. Putting both of his hands on the sides of my face, he leaned down and placed a kiss on my head. "Have fun. I love you."

A huge smile rested on my lips as I looked up. Getting on my tiptoes, I reached for his face with my hands simultaneously. Placing a kiss on his cheek, I mumbled.
"I love you too."

He smiled and straightened his spine when I pulled away.

"Alright. Let's go," Damien said, moving to the garage door.

Throwing another smile towards Lucian, I followed Damien to the garage.

"I like your piercing, Damien. It's pretty." I decided to complement him to get him in a good mood.

He stopped abruptly and turned to face me.
"What do you want?"

I froze. Fuck.
"Huh?" Acting oblivious seemed like a good option.

"Your voice sounded like Rose's, a little too sweet. What do you want?" He asked again.

"Nothing. I just like it. Jeez. Can't even digest a genuine compliment, Dexter?" I rolled my eyes.

He rolled his eyes too.
"Fine. Stop being cheeky and get in the car," he said, turning around and opening the passenger side door for me.

I rolled my eyes again and walked over to the door. When I was within reach, he extended his hand towards my face and flicked my forehead.

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