52. Hurt

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I haven't been replying to comments these days.

Not being able to bear the suffocating silence anymore, I got up from the couch. Extending my hand, I waited for Rose to put her hand in mine and started walking to our room.

We didn't speak anything and walked to the room silently. My head hurt from the constant beeping in my ear that made me feel like I was deaf.

I opened the door and waited for Rose to enter, before entering myself and striding straight to the balcony after closing the door.

"What a slut you are, Amira. Kissing boys from school just for fun? Your friend gave me a long list of boys you've interacted with," Lucas said, slamming me against the wall, causing my head to hit the wall hard.

My head started spinning and his words took a little too long to register.
"So what?" I groaned.

"So what?" He asked, looking at me ridiculously.

I nodded my head.
"So what if I'm a slut, Lucas?" A smile appeared on my face, my expressions a mixture of pain and mock. "That list is incomplete though. Sera forgot to add half of the names to the list."

I chuckled when confusion morphed his ugly features, making this monster uglier.

"Was your mother a monster?" I asked, watching him clench his jaw. "I wonder how she married that angel of a man."

"She wasn't. Stop talking about her," Lucas gritted in return.

"Oh she wasn't?" I mocked, feeling a pain in my chest spread as I looked into Lucas' blue eyes. His eyes resembled Dad's in every way possible.

"I wonder how you can be Elijah Verlice's blood son," I spat, my eyes turning into slits as I saw the anger now swimming in his eyes.

"You're being a little too mouthy today."

"Just be the guardian you claim to be, Lucas. Don't make a fuss about things we both know you don't care about. I don't see why you need to find a reason to hurt me when we both know you do it to satisfy the monster you are," I spat. Seconds later, I found myself thrown across the room like a ragdoll.

'A true Verlice doesn't bow down to anyone, much less a bully. We fight for our family and we do it with our head held high.'

Standing up with my head held high, I chuckled.
"How did you learn how to hurt someone, Lucas?" I said, clutching the side of my stomach. Watching the anger on his face was so satisfying sometimes. I could see him getting aggravated from the lack of expressions on my face.

"Because from what I know about your biological father aka my dad, he didn't have this 'quality'," I said, tilting my head to the side. "I'm sorry your mom wasn't smart enough to knock some humanity into her kid."

"Why are you blaming my mom?" He gritted, clenching his hands into fists. He looked about ready to kill me.

"Because if The Elijah Verlice can raise and love two kids who weren't his own, he couldn't have failed with his own blood." I let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Your mom must've made a huge mistake somewhere."

"Shut it, Bitch. If you talk about my-" I clicked my tongue, cutting him off.

"Struck a nerve, did I?" I chuckled, watching him grab the knife from the table and stalk towards me.

My nails dug into my arm, pulling me back to reality. A deep shaky breath filled my lungs as I trembled slightly.

Things keep going back to where we started. One moment there's nothing but love and care all around the house and the next moment we disagree and someone gets hurt.

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