18. Scars

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My hand hung in mid-air by imaginary harnesses as I stared at the scary door. Rose watched me silently as I contemplated whether it was a good idea to run away or not.

I finally gathered up the courage to knock.

He knows something. I'll just say it was parents' death. Rose believed that. He will too.

"Come in." Lucian's voice was heard, already making my hands turn cold.

I entered first, followed by Rose. Lucian raised an eyebrow when Rose entered.

"She's staying during the conversation," I said, before he could start with his bossy self.

"Since you get the courage to mouth off from Rose, she's leaving if you're disrespectful even once," He warned, flicking his gaze between us two.

How could he accuse her to be the one that makes me talk like I do?

"Stop blaming her for something she doesn't do," I gritted. He raised an eyebrow.

"You just proved my point," He said, simply, before motioning for us to take our seat.

"I wanted to talk to you about this footage we found." He turned his laptop towards me. The footage from days ago when I saw Damien hurting Rose. "What were you seeing?"

"Nothing." I said, looking away. I squeezed Rose's hand in mine, while she rubbed the back of it with her thumb.

"That's not the right answer, Bunny," Lucian said, leaning back in his chair. "You're not leaving until you answer all of my questions properly and truthfully. And I have a lot."

"Why do I have to answer your questions?" I said, clenching my jaw. "If I say 'nothing', it's clear that I don't want to answer your question."

"Because I'm your guardian. That's the answer to your question," He said, crossing his legs and keeping his clasped hands on his knee.

"I don't want to tell you anything. I just agreed to stay here, not share anything with you," I muttered.

"Then you're sitting here until you want to," He stated simply, turning his laptop back around and starting his work.

"Just tell him, Levi," Rose whispered. "He's trying to help."

"You make your decisions, Rose. I made mine. I don't want to tell him," I said, looking away and making eye contact with Lucian.

"Okay," Rose whispered, before slumping down in her seat and looking around.

After two minutes of just staring at him, trying to creep him out and him totally ignoring my whole existence, I spoke up.

"How about you answer some questions in return?" I asked, making him glance at me, without turning his head.

Lucian thought for a moment, before turning to me fully, giving me his full attention.

"And what questions you might have?" He asked.

"Just normal stuff. Easy questions." I shrugged.

"Alright. Deal," He said, nodding his head slowly.

He stared at me for a long time, while I stared back.

"The answer?" He asked. Oh.

"What was the question again?" I asked. Rose stifled a laugh, making me look at her and smile.

He shook his head.
"What were you seeing?" He asked, amusement visible in his eyes.

Okay. My questions are way easier than these.

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