3. Dex

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"You're going to live with us." Jayden said, after some minutes of silence. By this time, Rose had calmed her nerves and let go of my hand.

"No." We said, together. None of us bothered to look at him but my peripheral vision told me that our reaction didn't bother him one bit.

"Yes," he shrugged. He pulled his phone out and began scrolling through it nonchalantly. "You can't protest."

"We're not going anywhere except our house. The house my Dad left for us," I stated, simply.

The audacity they have to enter our lives eleven years after and expect us to comply with everything.

"Say whatever you want, Bunny. Lucian has already decided." He stated, like that was the end of discussion.

It could be, considering Lucian liked to keep himself seated on a throne and bend everything to his will.

"Then tell him to-"
I zipped my mouth shut when the door opened. My eyes darted to the door, my heart picking up pace in anticipation.

A tall man entered the room, closing the door behind him with a soft thud. Jayden looked back once and stood up from his chair. He stepped back, emptying the only chair for his eldest brother, who strode in with such confidence, it honestly scared me more.

Jayden had a confident stride. But this man screamed danger, like he always did. He looked like he could murder someone without even blinking. Which was true, considering what he actually did.

The amount of power, danger and confidence pouring from his walk alone was enough to render me speechless; his presence was enough to zip my mouth shut. I hate this about myself. I shouldn't be so scared of him after eleven years, yet here I am feeling like hid presence in the room has suddenly made me lose my ability to speak.

I gulped down the lump in my throat and my eyes travelled up and down, studying him from head to toe. Just as I reached his eyes, I looked away.

I couldn't. A gap of eleven years should've made me capable enough to look into his eyes for a second. He had surely grown but the aura around him had grown more intense and frightening too.

And the darkness that his eyes always held had turned darker somehow. The same cold silver-gray eyes, very similar to mine, holding something dark behind that shade of the color.

"What were you saying?" Jayden asked. I glanced at him, imagining how it'd look if I were to bash his face into the wall behind him. He hid the smirk that almost spread across his face and continued in a mocking tone. "Tell him to?"

I tried to say something, but nothing came out. That's why, I just swallowed the lump in my throat again and lowered my gaze to look at the table.

"You can leave," Lucian ordered. For a moment, I thought he was talking to me and Rose so I got ready to grab her hand and leave. Run away from here and never look back at these men.

But my hopes were crushed under his expensive shoe when I lifted my gaze and saw the two officers leaving instead. A defeated sigh escaped my mouth.

If Lucian was adamant on doing something, it was bound to be done. We didn't have much chance of escaping now that he was personally involved.

I looked away from the door and towards Lucian, setting my gaze on the collar of his shirt so I could guess his expressions without actually looking into his eyes.

Lucian looked between me and Rose with a stoic expression on his face. There was nothing on his face that I could use to guess his mood or his next move.

After a while of looking between us, he took a step forward and shifted the empty chair, turning it to the side a bit.

He lowered himself into the seat. His elbow that was on the table's side, rested on the table itself while the opposite elbow rested on the arm of the wooden chair, on his opposite side.

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