65. Home

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"I'm home!"

Amira's heart leapt out of her chest, as she fiddled with the blanket Lucian had draped over her. She tried to get out of it but failed due to her frantic state.

Suddenly the TV that was playing some cartoons went silent as all the girl could focus on was how she could finally get into the embrace she wanted.

As soon as she pulled the blanket away and put her stuffies aside, Amira leapt from the couch and ran for the living room door.

Before she could step out though, she was engulfed in the warmest embrace, causing her frantic state to immediately calm down. She relaxed slowly and kept her face buried into Asher's chest.

"I missed you so so much," Asher muttered, leaning down to place a kiss on her head. The sniffle that followed made Asher panic. He tried to pull away to look at her face but Amira refused to let him move an inch.

"No need to cry, honey," he mumbled against her hair, in a soothing tone.

"I missed you more," Amira mumbled and for once, Asher didn't counter it with 'that's not possible, I missed you more!' because he knew how miserable she must've been during these few days.

He smiled instead and leaned down to place another kiss on her head, as he felt some moisture through his dress shirt. He unwrapped his arms from around her slowly, earning a whine in return.

"Just picking you up, darling. I haven't had enough of the love." He chuckled, before picking her up and walking to take a seat on the couch.

Just as he took a seat, a sob escaped her mouth.
"You're so mean to leave like that, Asher," she whined in a soft voice, again, almost sounding like Rose.

"I'm sorry." Asher immediately bowed down and backed away. He didn't want to be scolded by a literal baby, especially when she was slipping into headspace.

"You should be," Amira muttered. "I won't talk to you if you do that again."

An exaggerated gasp was heard next, which made Amira crack a smile despite her sobbing state. Asher couldn't see it, but he knew she was smiling.

"Now that's too mean!" He exclaimed, earning a scoff in return.

"It's not," Amira muttered into his chest, barely audible. "Leaving you for some days would be mean."

A pang of guilt hit Asher's heart as he frowned at the carpet he was staring at.
"I'm sorry," he repeated, just wanting to drop this topic.

He raised his hand the side of her face and tucked her hair behind her ear.
"Look up please, Honey," he said softly. Amira shook her head.

Asher sighed.
"Let me see my baby heart properly," he cooed. "I need to make sure Lucian looked after you well."

Amira tightened her hold, crushing all hopes Asher had. But a smile made its way to his lips, when she slowly released her hold completely and looked up with big teary eyes.

Safe to say, Asher's heart fluttered at the sight, despite the tears on her face, that made him sad.
"So pretty," he said, his smile widening as he reached out to rub the tears away with pad of his thumb. "And adorable."

Amira blushed red at this and tried to curl back into his hug but she was stopped when Asher clicked his tongue.
"Not yet, Bunny," he said, as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He leaned forward and grabbed a tissue.

Asher grasped her chin lightly between his thumb and fingers as he worked on getting rid of the tears.
"Enough tears for today," he said.

Amira looked at him quietly, sniffling now and then. She couldn't believe how she stayed away from him for so long. Not talking about the three days but the eleven years they had been away from each other. Sure he wasn't this mature and caring back then. He was thirteen, after all.

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