64. Stole his heart

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11.09 a.m.

Lucian's hand couldn't leave Amira's head as he ran his fingers through her hair. He adjusted himself a little, shifting a little to be more comfortable.

With his back resting against the headboard and his elbow resting on her pillow beside her head, he had slightly leaned down a little as he watched her peaceful face for his own comfort.

After a long time of convincing her to eat an acceptable amount of food, he had tucked her in. She had slept minutes ago, but Lucian couldn't get himself to leave her side.

He sat there mostly lost in his own thoughts. He had yet to call the others to call them back home. He would go insane if he spent another day alone with his sister. He couldn't bear any more.

Moreover, he didn't see a need for the others to stay away when Asher was returning. Lucian wanted some time to come to terms with all the information he had gotten. He needed some time to check on himself.

"And that's how the King shooed the princes away." Elijah Verlice sat with his back to the headboard. His elbow rested a little away from his daughter's head as his fingers ran through her hair.

"I really wanted to go, Dad." Amira sniffled, to which the man responded with leaning forward and grabbing the tissue box from the headstand. Pulling out a tissue, he put it against her nose for her to blow in it.

"Take care of your snotty nose first, little heart." He chuckled, discarding the dirty tissue and leaning down to place a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I'm fine!" Amira insisted. Elijah shook his head.

"It's just one camp, baby." He smiled and winked. "Besides, you get to spend time with your poor old father."

Amira pouted.
"I don't want to feel ill," she mumbled. Slowly lifting her gaze to her dad, she gave him the best puppy eyes she could muster. "Make it feel okay."

The man put his hands before his face dramatically.
"Told you this dad is immune to that look." He crossed his arms in front of him.

Amira groaned and turned to bury her head in her pillow. She huffed once and groaned again when her head hurted a little.

Elijah held back his laughter, as he grabbed her shoulder and pulled her sick self to face him again.

"Make it feel okay?" He repeated, smiling softly at the red nosed angel that looked at him with big puppy eyes that melted him within a second.

He answered his own question by leaning down and placing gentle kisses all over her face, making her giggle slightly.

"You'll catch cold too!" Amira tried to push him away with her hands on his shoulders but to no use.

"I won't," he muttered, before placing a final kiss on her forehead. "You're way warmer than usual, darling."

"Duh." Amira sassed, despite her weak self.

"Want some soup?" Came the offer, making her scrunch up her face.

"No." Came the reply he'd been receiving since long.

The man sighed.
"You need to have something, baby," he insisted. "You aren't eating as much as you should."

"I don't feel like eating," Amira mumbled.

"That's why I'm offering soup," he muttered, running his hand through her hair. "Please. You need all the nutrition to be okay again."

Looking up hesitantly, Amira saw exactly what she expected. Puppy eyes on her dad's face that looked illegally cute on him. Being a scary dad at first appearance, the source of her sunshine looked a little too adorable with those eyes. So much that she was nodding within a second.

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