36. Awkward hugs

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Alright. So I need a favor.
While I'm busy getting tortured and being 'not much active', I just wanted y'all to promote me. You can find my linktree link on my profile. It has all the links to my social media accounts.

It would be a huge favor if  you promote my social medias at any platform of your choice. A simple follow is also enough but do tell other people about it. I really want to grow and build more audience and I've finally gathered the courage to ask for this. It sounded selfish to me but I'd love you all more if you do this.

You can even do something as simple as sending this book to someone or posting it on your profiles to promote this book. Any kind of support is appreciated.

I love you.

"So what do you want?" Damien asked, curiously, when he met me in the hallway.

Rose was helping Josiah clear the table. Lucian had left to his office. Jayden had gone back to his room to get ready. Asher was in his office too, because he got an urgent call.

I was just roaming around thinking of watching TV to pass time until Mr. I-slept-with-a-girl is ready.

But Damien caught me before I even reached the living room.

I looked around, making sure there was no one who could hear me.

I motioned for him to bend down so I could whisper in his ear.
"Can I see where you work? The studio."

He turned his head and looked down at me, with furrowed eyebrows.

Is that a big no I see?

"That's all?" He asked, surprising me. That's not exactly the smallest thing I could ask for.

"Of course. Be ready this weekend. We'll go there first, then the cool date." He smiled as he stood straighter and put his hands in his pockets.

Excitement flowed through every bit of my body. My heels raised and lowered on their own as I bounced on my feet.

"Cool!" I said, before turning around and attempting to run to the living room.

But I was stopped when he grabbed the back of my shirt and clicked his tongue.

"What?" I asked, turning back around, causing him to release his hold.

"A thank you hug would suffice." He rolled his eyes, causing me to roll mine.

I moved forward slowly, watching a smile appear on his face. The smile grew wider when I jumped to wrap my arms around his neck.

He chuckled, when I practically hung from his neck, my feet inches above the ground. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me up.

"You're a dwarf." He laughed. I picked my chin up from his shoulder and glared at him.

"Now this dwarf does not want to hug you," I said, attempting to pull away, but he just laughed more when I couldn't.

I took a deep breath, to calm my growing annoyance.
"Stop mocking me, Damien," I gritted.

"Dex," He corrected.

"No. Luke," I said. He groaned when I called him by his middle name.

"Boring." He rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Alright. Now put me down," I said, putting my palms flat against his shoulders and pushing back.

That didn't work, obviously.

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