22. Therapist

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"Since, it is getting worse and you're zoning out more frequently. I really think we should see a therapist." He meant for it to be a request, but it came out the opposite.

"I still don't agree with that." I shrugged, putting my elbow on the arm of the chair and resting my chin on my hand.

He looked at me for a moment before letting out a sigh.

"Okay," he said. "You're dismissed."

"What?" I asked, gripping the chair so I don't fall down.

"Unless you want to sit here and chat, you're free to go." He raised an eyebrow. There was a little bit of amusement in his eyes.

"Okay." I cleared my throat and stood up, ready to run. This was the best thing he'd said throughout the whole conversation.

I stopped abruptly just as I reached the door.

I cleared my throat and turned around.
"Lucian?" I said.

"Hm?" He asked, glancing up at me, while writing something on a paper.

"I'm sorry," I said, crossing my arms on my back and hopping on my toes nervously.

I don't know why the fuck I was doing this.

He stopped doing whatever he was doing and tilted his head to the side.
"For what?"

"For everything," I said, looking away shyly. "You know, for how I reacted and for how I spoke to you before."

"It's okay, Bunny," he said, his lips twitched just a teeny tiny bit. "Thank you."

"For what?" I asked.

"For giving us a chance," he said, simply. We nodded our head at each other and I turned around to leave.

Shutting the door, I released a long shaky breath. I was still having a mini panic attack from this meeting. His office is scary, he is scary, his voice is scary, his eyes are scary, his existence is scary.

But, he didn't bring up what happened today. Not that I mind.

"Done with the meeting, love?"

I jumped and whipped my head towards my right. Josiah was smiling, with amusement flowing from his face as he watched me while leaning against the opposite wall.

"Yeah," I said. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing. Just passing by. Thought I'd accompany you to your room," he shrugged, pushing himself off the wall and walking towards me. He stopped a fair distance away and waved his hand for me to follow.

He wasn't just passing by. He was obviously waiting.

I walked beside him in silence. He was silent too but he was smiling.

"I'm sorry," he said, suddenly. "I should've come to check on you."

"No. I should thank you actually," I said, looking straight ahead. "I needed that time."

"I should've checked," he said, telling me he didn't really agree. He looked really guilty and like he was cursing himself.

Something that definitely doesn't look good on Josiah. He's always been an angel. Nothing less than that.

"We would've had problems then." I shrugged, watching his eyes widen a little and a dreading look to all on his face.

He stayed silent after that, looking like he was pondering over it.

"Dinner is in ten, Honey," he said, opening the room door for me. He smiled, to which I nodded in return. Josiah walked away when I moved to enter the room.

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