6. Rules

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Remember I said, I didn't talk much.

Well, there were two bitches who started snitching on me.

To Lucian. Cue the shudder.

"We tried giving them fresh clothes to change into and they denied it. Well, Bunny did. I don't know about Rose," Damien said.

We were almost finished with dinner.

Lucian looked at him then looked at me and my twin.

"They didn't want to wear old clothes. Josiah offered he ordered something. They think we're doing them a favor by doing that," Jayden said, making Lucian look at him.

I just clenched my jaw and glared daggers at Jayden.

Asher spoke, making me look at him.
"We are your brothers. Nothing we do for you is a favor."

"Brothers?" I feigned confusion, making everything go deathly silent.

"We don't even know you guys," Rose said. I had to pay close attention to her words to understand what she was saying. That sweet voice couldn't have just said that in the tone I just heard.

"We have enough time to know each other." Josiah smiled.

"We don't want to know you," I said, simply. "You can't just barge into our lives now and order us around."

"We had our reasons-" I cut Jayden off.

"What reasons did you have to not even try to call us once in eleven years?" I snapped, making him frown.

"Watch who you're talking to." He pointed his fork at me.

"A bitch who clearly needs to be put in its place," I said, letting my anger take control. "You left us be for eleven years, we'd like it if you leave us alone now."

I took a deep breath when Rose grabbed my hand that was clenched into a fist on the table.

"So you're sore because we didn't contact you." Damien concluded.

"We simply didn't want you to contact us. We're sore because you're making us live with you against our will," I said, turning to face him, immediately regretting it when I saw the glare Lucian had on his face.

My throat started closing on its own, but I forced it open.

"Meet me in my office after dinner," He said. "Both of you."

I just looked down at my almost finished food and gulped a little.

Lucian finished first and stood up. I kept my head bowed and heard his footsteps retreating.

I was done too, Rose was still eating, so I sat there staring at my lap.

"I'm done," Rose said, softly. I nodded and stood up, not even trying to pick up the plates this time.

"Don't forget to go to his office," Jayden said from behind me, when I turned around to face the door.

The step I was about to take stopped mid-air.
I took a deep breath in again, trying to keep my temper in control, accidentally holding Rose's hand too tight. I released it quickly and raised my other hand over my shoulder to show him my middle finger.

"I'm going to tell Lucian," He sang, chuckling with Damien.

"Go do it now. I want everything to be over with in one meeting," I said, before I started walking with Rose following close behind. As soon as we were out of that door, she stepped beside me.

"A hug helps sometimes." She offered for the nth time in the two years.

"I'm okay," I said, hiding my inner panic as we made our way to our room.

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