40. Translucent

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"You ready to talk now, sweetheart?" Asher asked, softly after a while of us just sitting there in silence.

I shook my head and tightened my hold on him.
"Is it okay if we just communicate through heartbeats?"

A chuckle resonated in the chest, making happiness brew inside me too.
"No, Honey. You don't get to use my own words against me. I can't know what's going on inside your head just through our hearts," he said, stroking my hair, before adding. "Yet."

A knock on the door made us both turn abruptly. That knock disturbed the comforting silence.

I grabbed the edges of the blanket and pulled it up, to hide completely, because I was sure Asher wouldn't let me move.

"Yes?" He called out, after he was done chuckling.

The door opened and footsteps sounded, while I stared at the darkness.

"I brought your dinner." Josiah's voice was heard, after the clanking of the plates.

"Thanks, Josiah," Asher said, softly, moving his hand from my hair to my arm, rubbing up and down.

I waited for a while, expecting retreating footsteps. Instead, Josiah decided to move the blanket a little bit so we made direct eye contact.

He smiled sweetly, before leaning down to place a kiss on my forehead.
"I hope you feel well, sweetheart."

I nodded, before snatching the blanket and hiding again. That caused both of them to laugh out loud, before I finally heard Josiah's footsteps retreat and the door shut.

"Alright, Bunny. Let's eat," Asher said, lowering the blanket.

"I don't want to," I said, softly, fiddling with a button on his shirt, absentmindedly.

"Are you really not hungry or you're just not in the mood?" He asked, stopping his movements to look down at me.

"I'm not hungry," I lied, stilling my hand that was fiddling with the Bunny's hand now. Maybe I took a second too long, because Asher started being scary.

"A lie," he stated, the gentle touch to his voice wavering a little. "And I don't want to hear another one."

I gulped a little, not daring to look at him. Instead, I started fiddling with the Bunny again.

"Alright. Sit up," he said, gently lifting me up into a sitting position. He straightened himself and shifted backwards so his back was against the headboard, taking me with him.

Putting my palms on the bed, behind me and beside his leg, I tried to lift myself off his lap. But he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back, all the while reaching for the plates with the other.

He adjusted himself, so now the leg I was sitting on was behind me, bent at the knee. I pulled my legs back and crossed them, putting the plate he handed me on my lap, while he kept his plate on his other thigh.

Picking up the fork, I looked at the food half-heartedly. I took a deep breath and gathered the energy to take the first bite.

Chewing slowly, I stared at the wall before me.

'Heartbeat is a way for hearts to communicate.'

"What're you thinking, sweetheart?" Asher asked, making me turn my head to look at him.

"Were you serious about that heartbeat thing?" I asked, looking back down. "I mean, you said sometimes the ear can't understand heart language. So does it mean sometimes it can? How's that possible?"

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