66. Bunny

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"Ha! Not very likeable, Jayden. Mine's bigger." Damien mocked.

"He said that," Nico drawled, stifling a chuckle. With his free hand, Lucian reached back to smack his head.

"Mine's definitely bigger. Wait till I show you," Jayden bragged. Lucian's face held disgust as he raised his hand again, knowing Nico was about to make another comment.

"Can't believe Jayden on that but ew-ow Lucian!" Amira giggled, watching Nico rub his head, while scowling at Lucian.

"There's a kid here, Nicholas." Lucian threw a pointed look at Nicholas, who gave back a sheepish smile. Thankfully, Amira was now busy looking behind over Lucian's shoulder.

"Is that a stuffie?" She whispered. Her eyes grew wide as she shook Lucian violently.

The two men frowned and turned around simultaneously.

"Make way, please!" A man shouted.

"Woah!" Nico took a step back as he saw the massive teddy moving in their direction. "What the f-" he stopped when Lucian threw him a glare.

Lucian stepped aside quickly and let the teddy pass, shaking his head when he noticed the ball of happiness that was currently struggling in his arms.

He sighed tiredly and put her down gently, watching her run off to the kitchen behind the teddy.

"I'm this close to disowning both Jayden and Damien," he said, touching the tip of his index finger to the pad of his thumb.

"And I'm this close to make some popcorn and watch this drama unfold," Nico said, already moving to the kitchen.

Lucian followed him. His headache increased slightly when Damien howled with laughter.

"Alright. They might be the same size, Jayden but seriously? A bunny?" Damien mocked.

Lucian entered the room, his eyes landing on another huge stuffie facing the door while Jayden's stuffie had its back to the door. Damien stood beside the stuffie he bought. It was a panda that almost reached his shoulder.

His eyes searched the room for Amira and he found her right where he expected. In the middle, trying to decide which stuffie to hug first. The twinkle in her eyes made him relax a bit.

"It's better than your stupid panda," Jayden mumbled. He crossed his arms while looking at the rabbit beside him with doubt clear on his face.

Asher and Josiah were also watching the two drama queens fighting. They were leaned against the chairs with their arms crossed while Beau was leaning against the counter with his hands pressed against the counter surface.

"Can we let the girls decide which one is better?" Josiah said, the exasperation clear in his voice.

"Yeah sure. Let's get the first vote," Damien agreed, moving his eyes to Amira. "Which one do you like more, Bunny?"

Amira looked between the two with confused eyes.
"Can I like both?" She asked. Her lower lip jutted out when Damien shook his head.

"Okay. You're giving her unnecessary stress." Asher glared at Damien who ignored everyone and focussed on his sister.

Amira was in a bit of a dilemma with this one. This bunny Jayden bought did not look smug and it would not be fit enough to always be around Asher or be tucked in. That's why she liked it a lot more than the other bunnies she had.

"The panda," She decided. She moved forward at a quick pace while Damien took the time to cheer and celebrate his victory.

Amira hugged the stuffie tightly, accidentally putting a lot of her weight on it. She didn't realise, it wouldn't manage to sit straight and the stuffie started falling backwards.

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