58. Heart to Heart

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Amira gripped the blanket tighter to her chest. Despite her racing heart, she had managed to keep herself composed and not let the panic affect her.

The digital clock on her nightstand read 11.05 pm.

She took another deep breath in to calm her racing heart but failed. She was lying in her bed, alone, after what seemed like a long time. They had seperate rooms before that incident with Lucas.

She missed Rose and Asher like she'd been doing all day. But that had now turned into panic.

While the fight between her hardass self and her little self was going on, her big self won the battle of sleeping alone in her room. Lucian had asked if she would be okay and she had said yes.

Now she was regretting it. Despite the warm light from the fairylights, the room seemed dark and scary. She felt extremely lonely, to the point she was getting anxious thinking about the coming days.

Another deep breath and a failed attempt at calming her heart and Amira gave up. Her mind went back to earlier events of the day as she tried to ignore the panic she was feeling.

She had talked to Asher before going to bed and nearly cried. Asher was a little busy and was desperate to talk to her. He was getting worried about her situation, so he got some time off work to ask all kinds of questions similar to 'are you okay?'

He was left unsatisfied when they finally hung up after sharing Goodnights and I love yous. Something seemed off to him and being the mother hen, he trusted his instincts to the fullest.

That's why he called Lucian next.

"Is she really okay?" That was the first thing he asked, the moment Lucian picked up.

"She is." Lucian furrowed his eyebrows. As far as he knew, she was okay. He had tucked her in and she was okay then. "Do I need to go check on her?"

"Yes please," Asher said. "I feel like something's wrong."

"Why?" Lucian stood up quickly.

"I don't know," Asher answered. "I was just talking to her some time ago and felt like something was off. I think she's scared."

"I'll check on her," Lucian said.

"Make sure she's asleep before you leave her alone," Asher muttered.

"Okay," Lucian said. He hung up and focussed solely on his journey to his sister's room. Something about not being able to tell if she was okay, like Asher did, irked him.

Amira hid under her blanket when she heard footsteps. She used to sleep alone back when they were under Lucas' care. This gave her the same feeling and she was shook to the core.

Each step that advanced towards the room made her shrink more into the blanket. Maybe this dream had finally ended.

She knew having so much happiness suddenly after two years of hell couldn't be real. Maybe she had just woken up from the dream to face the nightmare she was given a break from.

Her breathing quickened as the door opened suddenly. She clenched her eyes shut, awaiting the sound of a belt buckle dangling, or a malicious chuckle, something that could confirm that the monster was indeed there. Just at the thought of that monster, a voice started speaking in her head barely audible due to the loud ringing in the background.

Her breathing had gone erratic. She was on the point where she was putting efforts to make her breathing silent. Otherwise gasps and heaves could have been audible to the monster.

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