14. Muffin

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"Pathetic again. Running to get help for that dying bitch?" He scoffed. It took everything in me to not claw his eyes out.

I stayed silent so he rolled his eyes, muttered, "Boring." and left, walking towards his room maybe.

I ran to the room we were staying in again and grabbed the suitcases.

Rolling them to the stairs while keeping a close eye around, I picked them up, with a little difficulty because they were heavy and I was exhausted after picking Rose up.


I trudged down the stairs and was out the door within ten seconds.

These people are dumb or maybe I was just sneaky.

I climbed in the car, pulling the suitcases with me and putting them on the car seat.

The driver got in his seat quickly and started driving to the huge metal gates. As he punched in the password, I looked at the various guards in the lawn, who were all roaming around. None paying attention to our car.

Guess password was all we needed and Father didn't bother to change it after Lucian and others moved out. Or maybe he did and Lucian still found out what it was.

"How did you arrive so fast?" I asked, looking at the driver.

"The Capo has people everywhere, Miss Mazzanti," He said, nodding his head once in a bowing manner.

He stopped when we were a fair distance away from the mansion and got out. I watched his every move as he came to my side of the car.

He opened my door and took the suitcases, proceeding to put them in the back.

I shifted closer to Rose when he went to sit in his seat again and started driving.

My phone ringing distracted me from worrying too much about the situation.


I picked it up and put it to my ear, not saying anything yet.
"Got in the car?" Asher asked, anxiously.

"Yes," I said. "What about Rose?"

"How did she faint?" Another voice asked in the background.

"I don't know. She had fever and I went to get water for the medicine but when I came back..." I stopped for a moment. "When I came back, she was unconscious."

"I know there's something more to that and we're going to have a long talk about it," Lucian added.

Why does Asher disappear after giving the phone to him mid-conversation?

"Stop it, Lucian!" Asher said, snatching the phone back. "What medicine did she take?"

"She didn't. She fell unconscious before I could give her the glass of water," I said, quickly.

"Okay. Give the phone to the driver," He said and I did just that. The driver took the phone, putting it to his ear with one hand while handling the steering wheel with his other.

Rose was still burning and I was getting more anxious as he stayed silent for a long time.

"Okay, Mr. Mazzanti," He said, before he hung up and extended his arm backwards to hand me the phone.

I tried hard not to cry while the driver drove through some streets.

The car came to a halt and I panicked.

"What?" I asked, looking out the tinted window.

Anderson clinic.
Was what was written on huge shining board.

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